11011 |
Mainstreaming Sustainable Marine Fisheries Value Chains into the Blue Economy of the Canary Current and the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystems |
10995 |
Integrated water resources management in the transboundary Bermejo River Basin |
10970 |
Groundwater for Deep Resilience in Africa (G4DR in Africa) |
10931 |
Expanding blue economy benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and ecosystem services by managing surf ecosystems |
10919 |
Enhancing capacity for the adoption and implementation of EAF in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (EAf4SG) |
10892 |
Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Cycles in Lake Catchments (uP-Cycle) |
10890 |
Global Partnership for Mitigation of Underwater Noise from Shipping (GloNoise Partnership) |
10881 |
Implementing the Strategic Action Programme of the Drin Basin to Strengthen Transboundary Cooperation and Enable Integrated Natural Resources Management |
10873 |
Effectively Managing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in Large Marine Ecosystems in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN ENMAPS) |
10865 |
Supporting Sustainable Inclusive Blue Economy Transformation in AIO SIDS |
10857 |
Strategies, technologies and social solutions to manage bycatch in tropical Large Marine Ecosystem Fisheries (REBYC-III CLME+) |
10805 |
Advancing transboundary co-operation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin through implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) |
10797 |
Sustainable Groundwater Management In SADC Member States Project Phase 2 |
10794 |
Enhancing Environmental Security and Transboundary Cooperation in the Golok/Kolok River Basin |
10784 |
Enhancing the sustainable management of Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer System to ensure access to water for populations facing climate change (SMAS) |
10782 |
Caribbean BluEFin (Caribbean Blue Economy Financing Project) |
10740 |
Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030 |
http://www.ourmicronesia.or... |
10725 |
Implementing Ecosystem Based Management approaches in the Black Sea LME |
10712 |
Enhancing water-food security and climate resilience in volcanic island countries of the Pacific |
10703 |
Promoting the blue economy and strengthening fisheries governance of the Gulf of Thailand through the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (GoTFish) |
10700 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programmes and the National Strategic Action Plans for the Integrated Water Resources Management in the Puyango-Tumbes, Catamayo-Chira and Zarumilla Transboundary Aquifers and River Basins |
10697 |
Building and Enhancing Sectoral and Cross-sectoral capacity to support sustainable resource use and biodiversity conservation in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction |
10685 |
Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean |
10626 |
Global Coordination Project for the Common Oceans ABNJ Program |
10623 |
Deep-sea Fisheries under the Ecosystem Approach (DSF project) |
10622 |
Sustainable management of tuna fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction. |
10620 |
Strengthening the stewardship of an economically and biologically significant high seas area – the Sargasso Sea |
10575 |
Coral Reef Rescue: Resilient Coral Reefs, Resilient Communities |
https://coralreefrescue.iwl... |
10573 |
Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture |
10566 |
Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basin Water Quality Management Project |
10565 |
Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins |
10563 |
Blueing the Black Sea (BBSEA) |
10560 |
Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Blue Economy of the Mediterranean - (FishEBM MED) |
10558 |
Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Black Sea - (FishEBM BS) |
10554 |
Transboundary cooperation for the conservation, sustainable development and integrated management of the Pantanal - Upper Paraguay River Basin |
10553 |
Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program |
10550 |
Binational and integrated water resources management in the Merín Lagoon Basin and Coastal Lagoons |
10548 |
Common Oceans - Sustainable utilization and conservation of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
10547 |
Reduce marine plastics and plastic pollution in Latin American and Caribbean cities through a circular economy approach |
10546 |
"Plastik Sulit”: Accelerating Circular Economy for Difficult Plastics in Indonesia |
10531 |
Integrated watershed management of the Putumayo-Içá river basin |
10520 |
Enhancing sustainability of the Transboundary Cambodia - Mekong River Delta Aquifer |
10462 |
Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Dvina/Daugava Transboundary River Basin |
10426 |
Facilitating dialogue and strengthening transboundary cooperation with legislators to improve marine governance |
10424 |
Strengthening the Blue Economy: the Economic Case, Science-Informed Policy, and Transparency |
10415 |
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu – Phase II (VCAP II) |
10411 |
Malawi-climate resilient and sustainable capture fisheries, aquaculture development and watershed management project |
10401 |
Establishing a circular economy framework for the plastics sector in Ghana |
10394 |
Mainstreaming climate change and ecosystem-based approaches into the sustainable management of the living marine resources of the WCPFC |
10375 |
Blue Nature Alliance to expand and improve conservation of 1.25 billion hectares of ocean ecosystems |
www.bluenaturealliance.org |
10374 |
GEF IW:LEARN 5: Supporting Portfolio Coordination Within and Beyond the International Waters Focal Area, particularly in SIDS, Through Knowledge Sharing, Information Management, Partnership Building and Programmatic Guidance |
www.iwlearn.net |
10211 |
“BE-CLME+”: Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities Through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus |
10193 |
Fostering Water and Environmental Security in the Ma and Neun/Ca Transboundary River Basins and Related Coastal Areas |
10190 |
Brazil Sustaining Healthy Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Project |
10182 |
Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin |
10181 |
IKAN Adapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity, resilience and biodiversity conservation ability of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste |
10172 |
Towards the Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) of the Sixaola River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama |
10165 |
Strengthening resilience to climate change of coastal communities in Togo |
10139 |
Implementation of the Guarani Aquifer Strategic Action Program: Enabling Regional Actions |
10116 |
Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme Phase 3 |
10108 |
Fostering Water Security in the Trifinio Region: Promoting the formulation of a TDA/SAP for its transboundary Lempa River Basin. |
10077 |
Strengthening the Resilience of Central Asian Countries by Enabling Regional Cooperation to Assess Glacio-Nival Systems to Develop Integrated Methods for Sustainable Development and Adaptation to Climate Change |
10076 |
Towards Joint Integrated, Ecosystem-based Management of the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystem (PACA) |
10075 |
Strengthening management and governance for the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in coastal marine ecosystems in Chile |
10048 |
Water Funds A Conservation Climate Resilient Model for Stressed Watersheds in Latin America and the Caribbean |
10041 |
Managing Coastal Aquifers in Selected Pacific SIDS |
10035 |
Preparing the Ground for the Implementation of the La Plata Basin Strategic Action Program |
10033 |
Manas Integrated River Basin Management Project (M-IRBM) |
9959 |
Long-term Financial Mechanism to Enhance Mediterranean MPA Management Effectiveness |
9949 |
Setting the Foundations for Zero Net Loss of the Mangroves that Underpin Human Wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME |
nbslmegef.wordpress.com |
9944 |
Strengthening Fiji’s Network of Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) to Support Globally Significant Marine Biodiversity |
9940 |
Towards Sustainable Management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) – Initial Support to SAP Implementation |
http://www.fao.org/gef/proj... |
9927 |
Building Resilience of Cambodian Communities Using Natural Infrastructure and Promoting Diversified Livelihood |
9919 |
Implementation of the SAP of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System: Improving Groundwater Governance and Sustainability of Related Ecosystems |
9912 |
Enhancing Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater Resources in Selected Transboundary Aquifers: Case Study for Selected Shared Groundwater Bodies in the Nile Basin |
https://bit.ly/36tA9sm |
9911 |
Strengthening of the Enabling Environment, Ecosystem-based Management and Governance to Support Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme of the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem |
9910 |
Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD-Volta River Basin) |
9909 |
Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Programme |
9906 |
West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project |
9886 |
Economic Growth and Water Security in the Sahel through Improved Groundwater Governance |
9804 |
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal Marine Production Landscapes |
9803 |
Managing the Human-Biodiversity Interface in the Southern Marine Protected Areas of Haiti - MHBI |
9801 |
Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration (DYNA) |
9797 |
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program Phase 2 |
9770 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme to Ensure Integrated and Sustainable Management of the Transboundary Water Resources of the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change |
http://otca.info/gef/aprese... |
9767 |
Fostering Multi-country Cooperation over Conjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in the Bug and Neman Transboundary River Basins and the Underlying Aquifer Systems |
9766 |
Mainstreaming Conservation of Coastal Wetlands of Chile’s South Center Biodiversity Hotspot through Adaptive Management of Coastal Area Ecosystems |
9762 |
Promoting Protected Areas Management through Integrated Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Protection in Coastal Area of Montenegro |
9748 |
Creation of Marine Protected Areas in Angola |
9720 |
Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) |
9705 |
Managing Multiple Sector Threats on Marine Ecosystems to Achieve Sustainable Blue Growth |
9692 |
Second South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish2) |
http://bit.ly/32e0UPi |
9691 |
Financing Advanced Environmental Technologies in the Mediterranean Sea Region for Water Systems and Clean Coasts (EnviTeCC) |
9687 |
Mediterranean Coastal Zones Climate Resilience Water Security and Habitat Protection |
9686 |
Mediterranean Sea Basin Environment and Climate Regional Support Project |
9685 |
Mediterranean Coastal Zones: Managing the Water-Food-Energy and Ecosystems NEXUS |
9684 |
Reducing Pollution from Harmful Chemicals and Wastes in Mediterranean Hot Spots and Measuring Progress to Impacts |
9681 |
Addressing Marine Plastics - A Systemic Approach |
https://gefmarineplastics.org |
9670 |
Enhancing Regional Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas |
9654 |
Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management in ASEAN Countries |
9613 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation Criteria in Mexico’s Tourism Sector with Emphasis on Biodiversity-rich Coastal Ecosystems |
9607 |
Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security |
9605 |
Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries Minimize the Impacts from Aquatic Biofouling (GloFouling Partnerships) |
https://www.glofouling.imo.... |
9601 |
CReW+: An Integrated Approach to Water and Wastewater Management Using Innovative Solutions and Promoting Financing Mechanisms in the Wider Caribbean Region |
9594 |
Strengthening Trans-boundary Cooperation for Improved Ecosystem Management and Restoration in the Senegal delta (Mauritania and Senegal) |
9593 |
Management of Competing Water Uses and Associated Ecosystems in Pungwe, Busi and Save Basins |
https://bupusa-basins.iwlea... |
9592 |
Catalysing Implementation of a Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) |
https://proyectohumboldt2.org |
9573 |
Conservation and Sustainable use of Liberia’s Coastal Natural Capital |
http://bit.ly/2V5AnSF |
9571 |
Promoting Accelerated Uptake of Environmental Technologies and Promotion of Best Practices for Improved Water, Chemicals, and Waste Management in the Black Sea Basin |
9566 |
Integrated Management of Water Resources of the Mira-Mataje and Carchi-Guaitara, Colombia–Ecuador Binational Basins |
9563 |
Third South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish3) |
9546 |
Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar's Marine Protected Areas Network |
9545 |
Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning |
https://www.adriatic.eco/ |
9463 |
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas in SE China to conserve globally significant coastal biodiversity |
9451 |
Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project |
9446 |
Regional Project for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Lake Chad: Enhancing Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Lake Chad Basin |
9443 |
Strengthening Capacity for International Cooperation in the Ecosystem-based Management of the Antarctic Large Marine Ecosystem |
9433 |
S3MR Sustainable Management of Madagascar's Marine Resources |
9431 |
A Ridge-to-Reef Approach for the Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Seychelles |
9420 |
Strengthening Trans-boundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Songwe River Basin |
9406 |
Integrated Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Forests on the South East Coast of St. Lucia |
9400 |
Safeguarding Zanzibar’s Forest and Coastal Habitats for Multiple Benefits |
9391 |
The Global Environmental Commons. Solutions for a Crowded Planet |
9370 |
(NGI) The Meloy Fund : A Fund for Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia |
9369 |
Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Ecuador Mainland Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Network |
9360 |
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program, Additional Financing |
9359 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin |
9261 |
My-Coast: Ecosystem-Based Conservation of Myanmar’s Southern Coastal Zone |
9246 |
Integrated Environmental Management of the Rio Motagua Watershed |
https://www.marn.gob.gt/pro... |
9233 |
Addressing Invasive Alien Species Threats at Key Marine Biodiversity Areas |
9215 |
Mitigating Key Sector Pressures on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Further Strengthening the National System of Marine Protected Areas in Djibouti |
9194 |
Strengthening Adaptative Capacities to Climate Change through Capacity Building for Small Scale Enterprises and Communities Dependent on Coastal Fisheries in The Gambia |
9165 |
Enabling Implementation of the Regional SAP for the Rational and Equitable Management of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS). |
9160 |
Regional Partnership for African Fisheries Policy Reform (RAFIP) |
9129 |
Eco-system Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Eastern Indonesia (Fisheries Management Area (FMA)- 715, 717 & 718) |
9128 |
The Coastal Fisheries Initiatives Global Partnership |
https://www.fao.org/in-acti... |
9126 |
Delivering Sustainable Environmental, Social and Economic Benefits in West Africa through Good Governance, Correct Incentives and Innovation |
9125 |
The Coastal Fisheries Initiative Challenge Fund: Enabling Sustainable Private Sector Investment in Fisheries (CFI-CF) |
https://www.fao.org/in-acti... |
9124 |
Coastal Fisheries Initiative- Latin America |
https://www.fao.org/in-acti... |
9121 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the White Drin and the Extended Drin Basin |
9113 |
Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in São Tomé and Príncipe’s Agricultural and Fisheries Sectors |
9060 |
CFI: Coastal Fisheries Initiative (PROGRAM) |
https://www.fao.org/in-acti... |
9054 |
Support to the Orange-Senqu River Strategic Action Programme Implementation |
8029 |
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program SOP C1 |
6993 |
Integrated Solutions for Energy, Water, Energy and Land |
6992 |
Ridge to Reef: Integrated Protected Area Land and Seascape Management in Tanintharyi |
6970 |
Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) |
https://www.ffa.int/wbprop |
6964 |
Volta River Basin Strategic Action Programme Implementation Project |
6962 |
Advancing IWRM Across the Kura River Basin through Implementation of the Transboundary Agreed Actions and National Plans |
http://kura-river.org |
6955 |
Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector |
6952 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Program of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem |
https://gulfmexico.org |
6920 |
Implementation of the Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Action Programs |
https://atsea-program.com/ |
5905 |
First South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish 1) |
5827 |
Coordination of the Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction ABNJ Program |
5806 |
Creation of Loungo Bay Marine Protected Area to Support Turtles Conservation in Congo |
http://open.unep.org/projec... |
5788 |
Assessment of Land Degradation Dynamic in Coffee -Cocoa Production and Northern Ivory Coast to Promote SLM Practices and Carbon Stock Conservation ALDD SLM CSC |
5787 |
Bizerte Lake Environmental Project Lagoon and Marine de Pollution |
5772 |
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO), Contributing to the Improved Transboundary Water Governance in Africa |
5771 |
Improving Mangrove Conservation across the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through Coordinated Regional and National Strategy Development and Implementation |
https://www.conservation.or... |
5768 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Management of the Indonesian Sea |
https://www.fao.org/in-acti... |
5765 |
Integrated Transboundary Ridges-to-Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef |
5753 |
Realizing the Inclusive and Sustainable Development in the BCLME Region through the Improved Ocean Governmence and the Integrated Management of Ocean Use and Marine Resources |
http://www.benguelacc.org/ |
5748 |
Integrated Water Resources Management in the Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de Coipasa (TDPS) System |
https://girh-tdps.com |
5739 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Ural River Basin |
5729 |
GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network IW LEARN |
http://www.iwlearn.net |
5712 |
Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Costal Protected Areas |
5702 |
FishAdapt: Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Fisheries and Aquaculture-dependent Livelihoods in Myanmar |
5674 |
Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management Project |
http://nelsap.nilebasin.org... |
5667 |
Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector |
http://bit.ly/3bNiFt8 |
5663 |
R2R Integrated Environmental Management of the Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment |
http://bit.ly/31P96Fg |
5636 |
Community-based Climate Resilient Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Bangladesh |
5622 |
LME-EA Coral Triangle Initiative Project (COREMAPIII-CTI) |
http://www.coraltriangleini... |
5561 |
Mainstreaming Integrated Water and Environment Management |
5556 |
West Balkans Drina River Basin Management |
5552 |
Application of Ridge to Reef Concept for Biodiversity Conservation, and for the Enhancement of Ecosystem Service and Cultural Heritage in Niue |
5551 |
Resilient Islands, Resilient Communities |
5550 |
R2R Implementing a Ridge to Reef Approach to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions |
https://www.pacific-r2r.org/ |
5544 |
R2R Reimaanlok Looking to the Future: Strengthening Natural Resource Management in Atoll Communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands Employing Integrated Approaches (RMI R2R) |
5542 |
Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) |
https://clmeplus.org/ |
5538 |
Implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea |
https://scssap.org |
5535 |
Improving IWRM Knowledge based Management and Governance of the Niger Basin and the Iullemeden Taoudeni Tanezrouft Aquifer System (ITTAS) |
5526 |
Support to the Cubango-Okavango River Basin Strategic Action Programme Implementation |
5517 |
R2R Implementing an Integrated Ridge to Reef Approach to Enhance Ecosystem Services, to Conserve Globally Important Biodiversity and to Sustain Local Livelihoods in the FSM |
5514 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of the Coastal Zone in the Republic of Mauritius |
https://oceanconference.un.... |
5513 |
Western Indian Ocean LMEs Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms SAPPHIRE Project |
https://www.nairobiconventi... |
5510 |
R2R Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the National System of Protected Areas |
5508 |
Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency |
http://glomeep.imo.org/ |
5487 |
Integrated Development for Increased Rural Climate Resilience in the Niger Basin |
5452 |
Guangdong Agricultural Pollution Control |
5405 |
EAS Scaling up the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia |
https://www.pemsea.org |
5404 |
R2R - Testing the Integration of Water, Land, Forest & Coastal Management to Preserve Ecosystem Services, Store Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods in Pacific Island Countries |
https://www.pacific-r2r.org/ |
5401 |
Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand |
https://fisheries-refugia.org |
5400 |
Targeted Research for Improving Understanding of the Global Nitrogen Cycle towards the Establishment of an International Nitrogen Management System INMS |
http://www.inms.international/ |
5398 |
Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Preserve Ecosystem Services, Sequester Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods in Fiji (Fiji R2R) |
https://www.pacific-r2r.org/ |
5397 |
R2R: Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management |
5395 |
R2R- Pacific Islands Ridge-to-Reef National Priorities – Integrated Water, Land, Forest and Coastal Management to Preserve Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Store Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods |
https://www.pacific-r2r.org/ |
5393 |
EAS Sustainable Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the West Pacific and East Asian Seas |
https://www.wcpfc.int/node/... |
5381 |
R2R: Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions in Nauru (R2R Nauru) |
https://www.pacific-r2r.org... |
5380 |
Increasing Resilience of Ecosystems and Vulnerable Communities to CC and Anthropic Threats Through a Ridge to Reef Approach to BD Conservation and Watershed Management |
5348 |
Conserving Biodiversity and Enhancing Ecosystem Functions through a "Ridge to Reef" Approach in the Cook Island |
5310 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins |
5304 |
Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
5301 |
Enabling Country of the Transboundary Syr Darya Basin to Make Sustainable Use of their Ground Water Potential and Subsurface Space with Consideration to Climate Variability and Change |
5293 |
Save the Source: Catalyzing Market Transformation of Breweries from a Major Natural Resource Consuming Industry to a Pro-active Steward for Resource Efficient Cleaner Production |
5284 |
Integrated Water Resources Management in the Puyango-Tumbes, Catamayo-Chira and Zarumilla Transboundary Aquifers and River Basins |
https://iwrmzarumilla.iwlea... |
5281 |
LME-EA Philippine Rural Development Program |
https://www.thegef.org/proj... |
5278 |
Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their Coasts through Enhanced Sharing and Application of LME/ICM/MPA Knowledge and Information Tools |
marine.iwlearn.org |
5271 |
Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities |
http://globalmarinecommodit... |
5269 |
Adriatic Sea Environmental Pollution Control Project (I) |
5208 |
R2R: Advancing Sustainable Resources Management to Improve Livelihoods and Protect Biodiversity in Palau |
5171 |
CTI: Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program-Coral Triangle Initiative, Phase III (COREMAP-CTI III) |
5133 |
Senegal River Basin Climate Change Resilience Development Project |
5131 |
Enhancing Capacity to Develop and Manage Global Environmental Projects in the Pacific |
5121 |
Energy Conservation, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Staple Crop Production |
5113 |
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System |
http://www.fao.org/gef/proj... |
5112 |
Governance Strengthening for the Management and Protection of Coastal- Marine Biodiversity in Key Ecological Areas and the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) |
5110 |
Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts |
www.pemsea.org |
5101 |
Strengthened Environmental Management Information System for Coastal Development to Meet Rio Convention Objectives |
https://erc.undp.org/evalua... |
5088 |
Conserving Biodiversity in Coastal Areas Threatened by Rapid Tourism and Physical Infrastructure Development |
5069 |
Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions within and Around Protected Areas |
http://bit.ly/2vA8hUI |
5062 |
Development of a National Network of Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas Representative of the Comoros Unique Natural Heritage and Co-managed with Local Village Communities |
5057 |
Iyanola - Natural Resource Management of the NE Coast |
4966 |
Sustainable Groundwater Management in SADC Member States |
http://sadc-gmi.org |
4964 |
ARCTIC: Environment Project (Financial Mechanism for Environmental Rehabilitation in Arctic) |
4953 |
Mano River Union Ecosystem Conservation and International Water Resources Management (IWRM) Project |
http://mru.int/project-gef-... |
4940 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-based Sources and Activities |
https://bit.ly/2EBytTn |
4936 |
Reducing Pollution and Rebuilding Degraded Marine Resources in the East Asian Seas through Implementation of Intergovernmental Agreements and Catalyzed Investments (PROGRAM) |
4932 |
Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (IWEco) |
https://www.iweco.org/ |
4930 |
Enhancing the Conservation Effectiveness of Seagrass Ecosystems Supporting Globally Significant Populations of Dugong Across the Indian and Pacific Ocean Basins (Short Title: The Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project) |
4856 |
Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation - Models for Innovation and Reform |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
4847 |
Pine Islands - Forest/Mangrove Innovation and Integration (Grand Bahama, New Providence, Abaco and Andros) |
4810 |
Strengthening the Marine Protected Area System to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas |
http://bit.ly/2SHIYrE |
4799 |
Implementing Integrated Measures for Minimizing Mercury Releases from Artisanal Gold Mining |
4796 |
ARCTIC: Improvement of Environmental Governance and Knowledge Management for SAP-Arctic Implementation |
4795 |
ARCTIC: Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) for Major Arctic Rivers to Achieve Multiple Global Environmental Benefits |
4792 |
Conservation of Coastal Watersheds to Achieve Multiple Global Environmental Benefits in the Context of Changing Environments |
4770 |
Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Areas of High Value for Biodiversity in Continental Ecuador |
4766 |
Implementation of Eco-industrial Park Initiative for Sustainable Industrial Zones in Vietnam |
4748 |
Improving Lake Chad Management through Building Climate Change Resilience and Reducing Ecosystem Stress through Implementaion of the SAP |
4746 |
Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions and Related Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) |
http://www.sustainpacfish.net/ |
4730 |
Increasing Representation of Effectively Managed Marine Ecosystems in the Protected Area System |
4716 |
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) |
4708 |
Strengthening the Sub-system of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas |
4690 |
Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES) |
http://ccres.net/ |
4680 |
LCB-NREE Lake Chad Basin Regional Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Efficiency (PROGRAM) |
4669 |
Namibian Coast Conservation and Management Project |
4664 |
ARCTIC GEF-Russian Federation Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management in the Arctic under a Rapidly Changing Climate (Arctic Agenda 2020) |
4660 |
Sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the ABNJ |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
4659 |
Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development: Mainstreaming the Application of Marine Spatial Planning Strategies, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use |
4658 |
ARCTIC Integrated Adaptive Management of the West Bering Sea Large Marine Ecosystem in a Changing Climate |
http://westberingsea.iwlear... |
4637 |
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas |
4635 |
LME-EA Scaling Up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts (PROGRAM) |
4582 |
Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
4581 |
Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
4580 |
Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) |
http://www.fao.org/in-actio... |
4533 |
Flood and Drought Management Tools |
http://fdmt.iwlearn.org |
4528 |
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program in Ghana |
4489 |
A Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme: Aquifers, Lake/Reservoir Basins, River Basins, Large Marine Ecosystems, and Open Ocean to catalyze sound environmental management |
http://www.geftwap.org/ |
4487 |
LME-AF Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Large Marine Ecosystems in Africa (PROGRAM) |
4483 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin |
http://drincorda.org/ |
4452 |
Standardized Methodologies for Carbon Accounting and Ecosystem Services Valuation of Blue Forests |
http://www.gefblueforests.org |
4382 |
Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme |
4343 |
UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea LME Phase II Project |
https://archive.iwlearn.net... |
4280 |
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program APL B1 |
4256 |
Making Ocean Life Count |
4212 |
Global Foundations For Reducing Nutrient Enrichment and ODFLB Pollution in Support of GNC |
4205 |
Regional Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for the Promotion of Treated Wastewater Reuse in the Mediterranean /MENA Countries |
4198 |
MED Integrated Coastal Zone Management-Mediterranean Coast |
http://www.medcoast.net/ |
4180 |
Coastal Protected Area Management |
4092 |
Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction |
http://www.pemsea.org/strat... |
4083 |
CBSP- Integrated management of mangrove and associated wetlands and coastal forests ecosystems of the Republic of Congo |
4029 |
Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem |
http://baikal.iwlearn.org |
4027 |
Global Partnership with Fisheries Industry for the Sustainability of Living Aquatic Resources |
4020 |
Market Policy and Legislative Development for Mainstreaming the Sustainable Management of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in Lebanon |
4001 |
MED: Sustainable Governance and Knowledge Generation |
http://regoko.planbleu.org/ |
3997 |
Albania - Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas |
http://mcpa.iwlearn.org/ |
3991 |
MED Enhanced Water Resources Management |
3990 |
MED Integration of Climatic Variability and Change into National Strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean |
3980 |
CTI Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Sector |
3978 |
Regional Coordination on Improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Horizontal Adaptable Programmatic Programme (H-APL)(TA) |
3977 |
MED Mediterranean Environmental Sustainable Development Program "Sustainable MED" |
http://www.cmimarseille.org... |
3974 |
MED Greater Tunis Treated Wastewater Discharge in the Mediterranean Sea. |
3970 |
MED Coastal Rivers and Orontes River Basins Water Resources Management Project |
3956 |
Consolidating Costa Rica's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) |
3954 |
PAS: Community-Based Forest and Coastal Conservation and Resource Management in PNG |
https://www.pg.undp.org/con... |
3941 |
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Malvan Coast, Maharashtra State |
3936 |
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Godavari River Estuary in Andhra Pradesh State |
3924 |
Development Market Place 2009: Adaptation to Climate Change (DM 2009) |
3910 |
Inter-jurisdictional System of Coastal-Marine Protected Areas (ISCMPA) |
3900 |
MENARID GEF IW:LEARN: Strengthening IW Portfolio Delivery and Impact |
http://www.iwlearn.net |
3887 |
Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management |
3865 |
Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas System |
3863 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Fisheries and Tourism Activities carried out in Coastal /Marine Ecosystems |
3862 |
Strengthening Fisheries Governance to Protect Freshwater and Wetland Biodiversity |
3858 |
Sustainable Financing and Management of Eastern Caribbean Marine Ecosystems |
3826 |
Designing and Implementing a National Sub-System of Marine Protected Areas (SMPA) |
3821 |
CBSP Sustainable Community Based Management and Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems in Cameroon |
3810 |
Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program |
3809 |
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Strategic Ecosystem Management |
http://sem.persga.org/ |
3766 |
Testing a Prototype Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW) |
http://www.gefcrew.org/inde... |
3749 |
Towards Ecosystem Management of the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem |
http://humboldt.iwlearn.org/ |
3729 |
Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network |
3726 |
Groundwater Governance: A Global Framework for Country Action |
http://www.groundwatergover... |
3725 |
Coastal Cities Pollution Control (APL 2) |
3713 |
Establishing Effectively Managed Marine Protected Areas in Djibouti |
3690 |
Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System |
http://diktas.iwlearn.org |
3669 |
Second Natural Resources Management Project |
3661 |
IND-BD: GEF Coastal and Marine Program (IGCMP) |
3645 |
MENARID Reducing Risks to the Sustainable Management of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) |
http://nwsas.iwlearn.org/ |
3639 |
CTI GEF IW: LEARN: Portfolio Learning in International Waters with a Focus on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands and Regional Asia/Pacific and Coral Triangle Learning Processes - under the Coral Triangle Initiative |
http://sites3.iwlearn3.webf... |
3620 |
The Caspian Sea: Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Consolidation of a Permanent Regional Environmental Governance Framework |
http://www.caspianenvironme... |
3619 |
CTI Strategies for Fisheries Bycatch Management |
3607 |
Application of a Regional Approach to the Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in Cuba's Southern Archipelagos |
3591 |
PAS Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific - under the Pacific Alliance for Sustainability Program |
http://www.ctknetwork.org/ |
3589 |
Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle-Southeast Asia (CTI-SEA) |
https://ctisoutheastasia.wo... |
3576 |
Partnership to Mainstream Marine and Coastal Biodiversity into Oil and Gas Sector Development in Mauritania |
3559 |
Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa (Tranche 1, Installment 2) |
3558 |
SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) |
http://www.liberiafisheries... |
3548 |
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation |
3524 |
CTI Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SCS) |
http://bit.ly/2Sk0K5q |
3523 |
CTI West Pacific-East Asia Oceanic Fisheries Management Project - under the Coral Triangle Initiative |
http://www.wcpfc.int/ |
3522 |
CTI Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Programme (ATSEA) - under the Coral Triangle Initiative |
http://atsea.iwlearn.org |
3521 |
Joint Actions to Reduce PTS and Nutrients Pollution in Lake Baikal through Integrated Basin Management |
3519 |
Reducing and Preventing Land-based Pollution in the Rio de la Plata/Maritime Front through Implementation of the FrePlata Strategic Action Programme |
http://www.freplata.org |
3518 |
Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia |
3420 |
PAS GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability |
3410 |
Piloting of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Uruguayan Coastal Fisheries |
3401 |
SIP-Equatorial Africa Deposition Network (EADN) |
3399 |
SIP-Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II |
http://www.lvbcom.org/ |
3398 |
SIP-Eastern Nile Transboundary Watershed Management in Support of ENSAP Implementation |
http://ensap.nilebasin.org |
3343 |
Enhancing the Use of Science in International Waters Projects to Improve Project Results |
http://projects.csg.uwaterl... |
3342 |
Development of Methodologies for GEF Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme |
http://www.twap.iwlearn.org/ |
3341 |
Regional Dialogue and Twinning to Improve Transboundary Water Resources Governance in Africa |
3340 |
Good Practices and Portfolio Learning in Transboundary Freshwater and Marine Legal and Institutional Frameworks |
http://web.archive.org/web/... |
3321 |
Mainstreaming Groundwater Considerations into the Integrated Management of the Nile River Basin |
3314 |
Sustainable Management of Fish Resources - under the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa |
3313 |
Kenya Coastal Development Project |
http://www.kcdp.co.ke/ |
3309 |
Participatory Planning and Implementation in the Management of Shantou Intertidal Wetland |
3305 |
Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation |
http://www.benguelacc.org |
3271 |
Regional Activities of the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub Saharan Africa, Tranche 1 |
3242 |
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Nile Delta Through Integrated Coastal Zone Management |
https://www.adaptation-undp... |
3229 |
World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 2nd Installment |
3223 |
Shanghai Agricultural and Non-Point Pollution Reduction project (SANPR) - under WB/GEF Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://www.pemsea.org/strat... |
3188 |
Demonstration of Community-based Mgt of Seagrass Habitats in Trikora Beach East Bintan, Riau Archipelago Province, Indonesia |
http://seagrass-indonesia.o... |
3187 |
Demonstration of Sustainable Management of Coral Reef Resources in the Coastal Waters of Ninh Hai District, Ninh Thuan Province, Viet Nam |
http://www.vnio.org.vn/duan... |
3181 |
Pollution Reduction through Improved Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities in ACP Countries with a Focus on SIDS |
http://www.gpa.unep.org/ |
3148 |
Croatia: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under the Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
http://www.apcp.hr/ |
3138 |
Global - Applying an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management: Focus on Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean |
http://www.iucn.org/marine/... |
3128 |
Integrated Water Resources Management of the Sao Francisco River Basin and Its Coastal Zone (GEF São Francisco) |
http://www.ana.gov.br/gefsf |
3025 |
World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1, Installment 2) (from November 05 WP) |
http://www.pemsea.org |
3021 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Operation of the Tourism and Fisheries Sectors in the Archipelagos of Panama |
2979 |
Second Shandong Environment - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://www.pemsea.org |
2972 |
Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://liaoning.iwlearn.org/ |
2970 |
Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project-under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
http://www.inpcp.ro |
2929 |
Regional - Reducing Conflicting Water Uses in the Artibonite River Basin through Development and Adoption of a Multi-focal Area Strategic Action Programme |
http://www.artibonite.org |
2885 |
Meso-American Barrier Reef System II |
2881 |
Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Resources in Puntarenas |
2864 |
Accruing Multiple Global Benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management/ Water Use Efficiency Planning: A Demonstration Project for Sub-Saharan Africa |
http://www.iwrmbotswana.com |
2860 |
Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo |
2856 |
Knowledge Base for Lessons Learned and Best Practices in the Management of Coral Reefs |
http://gefll.reefbase.org |
2759 |
Manila Third Sewerage Project (MTSP) - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://www.pemsea.org/strat... |
2758 |
Coastal Cities Environment and Sanitation Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://www.pemsea.org/strat... |
2753 |
Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka |
2750 |
Ningbo Water and Environment Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia |
http://ningbo.iwlearn.org |
2746 |
Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe |
http://nutrient-bestpractic... |
2732 |
MENARID Institutional Strengthening and Coherence for Integrated Natural Resources Management |
2722 |
Fostering a Global Dialogue on Oceans, Coasts, and SIDS, and on Freshwater-Coastal-Marine Interlinkages |
http://www.globaloceanforum... |
2706 |
Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS |
http://www.aio-iwrm.org/ |
2703 |
Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil |
2701 |
Development and Adoption of a Strategic Action Program for Balancing Water Uses and Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Orange-Senqu River Transboundary Basin |
http://undp.orasecom.org/ |
2700 |
Implementation of Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia |
http://www.pemsea.org |
2688 |
Integrated Ecosystem Management of the Gulf of Fonseca |
2632 |
MENARID Participatory Control of Desertification and Poverty Reduction in the Arid and Semi Arid High Plateau Ecosystems of Eastern Morocco |
2631 |
MENARID Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Water Management Practices |
2617 |
Establishment of a Basin Management Framework for the Integrated Management for the Tisza Transboundary River Basin |
http://www.icpdr.org/icpdr-... |
2602 |
Alexandria Coastal Zone Management Project (ACZM) |
2601 |
World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 1st Allocation |
http://www.unepmap.org |
2600 |
Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem--Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas |
http://www.themedpartnershi... |
2586 |
PAS Implementing Sustainable Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in the Pacific Island Countries - under the GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability |
http://www.pacific-iwrm.org |
2584 |
Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Tranche 2 |
http://www.nilebasin.org/ |
2571 |
Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool for the Benguela Coastal Areas (DLIST-Benguela) |
http://www.dlist-benguela.org |
2544 |
Implementation of The Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution |
http://www.undp-gef-dnipro.com |
2517 |
Sustainable Environmental Management for Sixaola River Basin |
2474 |
Promoting Ecosystem-based Approaches to Fisheries Conservation and LMEs |
2454 |
World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1 of 3 tranches) |
http://www.pemsea.org |
2422 |
Integration of Ecosystem Management Principles and Practices into Land and Water Management of Slovakias Eastern Lowlands |
2405 |
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Program Development for the Lake Victoria Basin |
2364 |
Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change |
http://otca.info/gef/ |
2263 |
Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem, Tranche 2 |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
2261 |
Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships) |
http://globallast.imo.org/ |
2251 |
Mainstreaming Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Coastal Management in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone |
2188 |
East Asian Seas Region: Development and Implementation of Public Private Partnerships in Environmental Investments |
http://www.pemsea.org |
2143 |
Water Quality Protection Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
2141 |
Serbia: Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project (RENDR) (under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Black Sea/Danube Basin) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
2138 |
Livestock Waste Management in East Asia |
http://www.lwmea.org/ |
2135 |
Guangdong-Pearl River Delta Urban Environment |
2133 |
Lake Skadar-Shkodra Integrated Ecosystem Management |
http://lss.iwlearn.org/ |
2132 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Republic of Croatia: Neretva and Trebisnjica Management Project - Under Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea LME Partnership |
http://ntmp.iwlearn.org |
2131 |
Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project |
http://www.ffa.int/gef |
2130 |
Restoration, Protection and Sustainable Use of the Sistan Basin |
2129 |
Demonstrating and Capturing Best Practices and Technologies for the Reduction of Land-sourced Impacts Resulting from Coastal Tourism (COAST) |
http://coast.iwlearn.org |
2101 |
Marine and Coastal Environment Management Project (MACEMP) |
2098 |
Western Indian Ocean Marine Highway Development and Coastal and Marine Contamination Prevention Project |
2095 |
Sustainable Management of the Water Resources of the La Plata Basin with Respect to the Effects of Climate Variability and Change |
http://www.proyectoscic.org |
2093 |
SP-SFIF: Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa (Tranche 1, Installment 1) |
2044 |
Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea - World Bank-GEF Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund: Tranche 3 |
http://www.worldbank.org/bl... |
2042 |
Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin, Phase 2 |
http://www.undp-drp.org/ |
2041 |
Managing Hydrogeological Risk in the Iullemeden Aquifer System |
http://iullemeden.iwlearn.org |
2020 |
Formulation of an Action Programme for the Integrated Management of the Shared Nubian Aquifer |
http://www-naweb.iaea.org/n... |
1945 |
Preserving Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Value of Mangrove Ecosystems in Tropical America |
1909 |
Protection of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) |
http://www.canarycurrent.org |
1893 |
Strengthening Global Capacity to Sustain Transboundary Waters: The International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN), Operational Phase |
http://www.iwlearn.net |
1889 |
Romania: Hazards Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (HRMEPP) |
1872 |
Community Agriculture and Watershed Management |
1851 |
Protection of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) and related humid zones and ecosystems |
http://nwsas.iwlearn.org |
1665 |
Towards a Lake Basin Management Initiative and a Contribution to the Third World Water Forum: Sharing Experiences and Early Lessons in GEF and non-GEF Lake Basin Management Projects |
http://www.worldlakes.org/p... |
1661 |
Danube/Black Sea Basin Strategic Partnership - Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund: Tranche 2 |
http://www.worldbank.org/bl... |
1618 |
Towards a Convention and Action Programme for the Protection of the Caspian Sea Environment (Phase II) |
http://www.caspianenvironme... |
1591 |
Regional Programme of Action and Demonstration of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for Malaria Vector Control in Mexico and Central America |
http://www.paho.org/english... |
1580 |
Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem: Phase 1 |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1542 |
Moldova: Environmental Infrastructure Project - under Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea |
1537 |
Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR-Macedonia and Greece |
http://prespa.iwlearn.org/ |
1531 |
Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1462 |
Programme for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems: Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1460 |
Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project |
http://www.undp-drp.org/ |
1455 |
Capacity Building for Small Island Developing States through SIDSNet |
http://sidsnet.org/ |
1444 |
Development and Implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Programme |
1426 |
Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to Disseminate Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Deltamerica) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1420 |
Reducing Dependence on POPs and other Agro-Chemicals in the Senegal and Niger River Basins through Integrated Production, Pest and Pollution Management |
1375 |
Reducing Transboundary Degradation in the Kura-Aras Basin |
http://www.kura-aras.org/ |
1355 |
Moldova: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
http://www.capmu.md/ |
1353 |
Nature Conservation and Flood Control in the Yangtze River Basin |
http://www.gefyangtze.cn/en... |
1351 |
Hungary: Reduction of Nutrient Discharges - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
http://gef.ddkovizig.hu/ |
1346 |
Integrated Assessment and Management of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem |
http://gomlme.iwlearn.org/en |
1323 |
Hai River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management |
http://hairiver.mepfeco.org... |
1317 |
Coastal Biodiversity Management of DPR Korea's West Sea |
1270 |
Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration |
http://www.mehsoms.com/ |
1254 |
Integrating Watershed and Coastal Area Management in the Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean (IWCAM) |
http://www.cep.unep.org/iwcam |
1252 |
Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem |
http://www.boblme.org/ |
1248 |
Reducing Pesticide Runoff to the Caribbean Sea |
http://www.cep.unep.org/repcar |
1247 |
Addressing Land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1229 |
EBRD/GEF Environmental Credit Facility (formerly entitled Slovenia: National Pollution Reduction Project) |
1223 |
Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Mining and Extraction Technologies |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1188 |
Combating Living Resource Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea Current LME through Ecosystem-based Regional Actions |
http://igcc.gclme.org/ |
1164 |
Russian Federation - Support to the National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment |
http://npa-arctic.iwlearn.org/ |
1159 |
Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
1123 |
Bulgaria: Wetland Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project - component of Danube/Black Sea Strategic Partnership: Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund |
http://www.worldbank.org/en... |
1111 |
Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area |
http://gefvolta.iwlearn.org |
1109 |
Senegal River Basin Water and Environmental Management Programme |
1094 |
Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I |
http://www.nilebasin.org/ |
1093 |
Reversing Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Niger River Basin |
1082 |
Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) |
http://www.swiofp.net |
1080 |
Integrated Water and Ecosystems Management Project |
1074 |
Turkey: Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea |
1032 |
Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions |
http://www.clmeproject.org/... |
1017 |
Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika |
http://lta.iwlearn.org |
1014 |
Danube/Black Sea Basin Strategic Partnership on Nutrient Reduction, Phase I |
http://www.worldbank.org/bl... |
985 |
Developing Renewable Groundwater Resources in Arid Lands: A Pilot Case - The Eastern Desert of Egypt |
974 |
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Integrated Management of the Guarani Aquifer |
https://web.archive.org/web... |
970 |
Southern African Development Community - SADC - Groundwater and Drought Management Project |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
963 |
Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control of the Gulf of Honduras |
http://www.golfodehonduras.... |
922 |
Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP), Phase I |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
886 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Binational Basin: Phase II |
http://www.cobinabe.org |
885 |
Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS) |
http://www.unepscs.org/ |
884 |
Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling Through the Introduction of By-Catch Reduction Technologies and Change of Management |
http://www.fao.org/fishery/... |
867 |
Transfer of Environmentally-sound Technology (TEST) to Reduce Transboundary Pollution in the Danube River Basin |
http://web.archive.org/web/... |
849 |
Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa (CMEA) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
842 |
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Management of the Okavango River Basin |
http://epsmo.iwlearn.org |
837 |
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) |
807 |
Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security, and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North |
http://www.amap.no/persiste... |
806 |
Building Environmental Citizenship to Support Transboundary Pollution Reduction in the Danube: A Pilot Project in Hungary and Slovenia |
http://www.rec.org/REC/Prog... |
791 |
Formulation of a Strategic Action Programme for the Integrated Management of Water Resources and Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone (PROCUENCA) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
790 |
Reducing Environmental Stress in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) |
http://yslme.iwlearn.org |
789 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Toward Achievement of the Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) |
http://www.benguelacc.org/ |
767 |
Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem |
http://lakechad.iwlearn.org/ |
666 |
Coastal Zone Management along the Gulf of Aden |
633 |
Georgia: Agricultural Research, Extension, Training Project (ARET) |
615 |
Mekong River Basin Water Utilization Project |
http://www.mrcmekong.org |
614 |
Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Heavily Contaminated Bays in the Wider Caribbean |
613 |
Environmental protection of the Rio de la Plata and its Maritime Front: Pollution Prevention and Control and Habitat Restoration (FREPLATA) |
http://www.freplata.org/ |
612 |
World Water Vision - Water and Nature |
610 |
Removal of Barriers to the Effective Implementation of Ballast Water Control and Management Measures in Developing Countries (GloBallast) |
http://globallast.imo.org |
597 |
Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas |
http://www.pemsea.org |
596 |
Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues in the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP) |
http://www.caspianenvironme... |
587 |
Ship Waste Disposal |
586 |
Integrated Management of Land-Based Activities in the Sao Francisco Basin |
http://www.ana.gov.br/gefsf/ |
585 |
Wider Caribbean Initiative for Ship-Generated Waste |
584 |
Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) |
http://www.unep.org/dewa/giwa/ |
583 |
Integrated Watershed Management of the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin (GEF Pantanal/Upper Paraguay Project) |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
533 |
Western Indian Ocean Islands Oil Spill Contingency Planning |
532 |
Strengthening Capacity for Global Knowledge-Sharing in International Waters (IW:LEARN) |
http://www.iwlearn.org/ |
531 |
Poland: Rural Environmental Protection Project (REPP) |
530 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SPREP) |
http://www.sprep.org/ |
514 |
Role of the Coastal Ocean in the Disturbed and Undisturbed Nutrient and Carbon Cycles |
http://www.loicz.org/ |
462 |
Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Tumen River Area, Its Coastal Regions and Related Northeast Asian Environs |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
461 |
Determination of Priority Actions for the Further Elaboration and Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean Sea |
http://www.unepmap.org |
460 |
Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Dnieper River Basin and Development of SAP Implementation Mechanisms |
http://archive.iwlearn.net/... |
459 |
Coastal Contamination Prevention and Sustainable Fisheries Management |
405 |
Black Sea Environmental Management |
399 |
Danube River Basin Environmental Management |
http://www.icpdr.org |
398 |
Pollution Control and Other Measures to Protect Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika (LTBP) |
http://www.ltbp.org |
397 |
Black Sea Environmental Management (BSEP) |
396 |
Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas |
http://www.pemsea.org |
395 |
Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project |
http://www.undp.org.eg/prog... |
394 |
Protection of Marine Ecosystems of the Red Sea Coast |
393 |
Water Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation in the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem (GOGLME) |
392 |
Support for Regional Oceans Training Programme |
342 |
Developing the Danube River Basin Pollution Reduction Programme |
http://www.icpdr.org |
341 |
Developing the Implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan (BSSAP) |
340 |
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden |
http://www.persga.org |
176 |
Strategic Action Programme for Binational Basin of the Rio Bermejo |
http://www.cbbermejo.org.ar |
113 |
Lake Ohrid Management |
88 |
Lake Victoria Environmental Management |
73 |
Water and Environmental Management in the Aral Sea Basin |
http://www.aral.uz |
72 |
Gulf of Aqaba Environmental Action Plan |
http://www.aqabazone.com/ |
68 |
Oil Pollution Management Project for the Southwest Mediterranean Sea |
59 |
Ship-Generated Waste Management |
14 |
Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (RBA-PTS) |
http://www.chem.unep.ch/pts |