International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network
GEF# Project Website
11011 Mainstreaming Sustainable Marine Fisheries Value Chains into the Blue Economy of the Canary Current and the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystems
10995 Integrated water resources management in the transboundary Bermejo River Basin
10970 Groundwater for Deep Resilience in Africa (G4DR in Africa)
10931 Expanding blue economy benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and ecosystem services by managing surf ecosystems
10919 Enhancing capacity for the adoption and implementation of EAF in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (EAf4SG)
10892 Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Cycles in Lake Catchments (uP-Cycle)
10890 Global Partnership for Mitigation of Underwater Noise from Shipping (GloNoise Partnership)
10881 Implementing the Strategic Action Programme of the Drin Basin to Strengthen Transboundary Cooperation and Enable Integrated Natural Resources Management
10873 Effectively Managing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in Large Marine Ecosystems in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN ENMAPS)
10865 Supporting Sustainable Inclusive Blue Economy Transformation in AIO SIDS
10857 Strategies, technologies and social solutions to manage bycatch in tropical Large Marine Ecosystem Fisheries (REBYC-III CLME+)
10805 Advancing transboundary co-operation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin through implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
10797 Sustainable Groundwater Management In SADC Member States Project Phase 2
10794 Enhancing Environmental Security and Transboundary Cooperation in the Golok/Kolok River Basin
10784 Enhancing the sustainable management of Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer System to ensure access to water for populations facing climate change (SMAS)
10782 Caribbean BluEFin (Caribbean Blue Economy Financing Project)
10740 Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030 http://www.ourmicronesia.or...
10725 Implementing Ecosystem Based Management approaches in the Black Sea LME
10712 Enhancing water-food security and climate resilience in volcanic island countries of the Pacific
10703 Promoting the blue economy and strengthening fisheries governance of the Gulf of Thailand through the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (GoTFish)
10700 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programmes and the National Strategic Action Plans for the Integrated Water Resources Management in the Puyango-Tumbes, Catamayo-Chira and Zarumilla Transboundary Aquifers and River Basins
10697 Building and Enhancing Sectoral and Cross-sectoral capacity to support sustainable resource use and biodiversity conservation in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction
10685 Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean
10626 Global Coordination Project for the Common Oceans ABNJ Program
10623 Deep-sea Fisheries under the Ecosystem Approach (DSF project)
10622 Sustainable management of tuna fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction.
10620 Strengthening the stewardship of an economically and biologically significant high seas area – the Sargasso Sea
10575 Coral Reef Rescue: Resilient Coral Reefs, Resilient Communities https://coralreefrescue.iwl...
10573 Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture
10566 Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basin Water Quality Management Project
10565 Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins
10563 Blueing the Black Sea (BBSEA)
10560 Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Blue Economy of the Mediterranean - (FishEBM MED)
10558 Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Black Sea - (FishEBM BS)
10554 Transboundary cooperation for the conservation, sustainable development and integrated management of the Pantanal - Upper Paraguay River Basin
10553 Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program
10550 Binational and integrated water resources management in the Merín Lagoon Basin and Coastal Lagoons
10548 Common Oceans - Sustainable utilization and conservation of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction
10547 Reduce marine plastics and plastic pollution in Latin American and Caribbean cities through a circular economy approach
10546 "Plastik Sulit”: Accelerating Circular Economy for Difficult Plastics in Indonesia
10531 Integrated watershed management of the Putumayo-Içá river basin
10520 Enhancing sustainability of the Transboundary Cambodia - Mekong River Delta Aquifer
10462 Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Dvina/Daugava Transboundary River Basin
10426 Facilitating dialogue and strengthening transboundary cooperation with legislators to improve marine governance
10424 Strengthening the Blue Economy: the Economic Case, Science-Informed Policy, and Transparency
10415 Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu – Phase II (VCAP II)
10411 Malawi-climate resilient and sustainable capture fisheries, aquaculture development and watershed management project
10401 Establishing a circular economy framework for the plastics sector in Ghana
10394 Mainstreaming climate change and ecosystem-based approaches into the sustainable management of the living marine resources of the WCPFC
10375 Blue Nature Alliance to expand and improve conservation of 1.25 billion hectares of ocean ecosystems
10374 GEF IW:LEARN 5: Supporting Portfolio Coordination Within and Beyond the International Waters Focal Area, particularly in SIDS, Through Knowledge Sharing, Information Management, Partnership Building and Programmatic Guidance
10211 “BE-CLME+”: Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities Through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus
10193 Fostering Water and Environmental Security in the Ma and Neun/Ca Transboundary River Basins and Related Coastal Areas
10190 Brazil Sustaining Healthy Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Project
10182 Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin
10181 IKAN Adapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity, resilience and biodiversity conservation ability of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste
10172 Towards the Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) of the Sixaola River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama
10165 Strengthening resilience to climate change of coastal communities in Togo
10139 Implementation of the Guarani Aquifer Strategic Action Program: Enabling Regional Actions
10116 Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme Phase 3
10108 Fostering Water Security in the Trifinio Region: Promoting the formulation of a TDA/SAP for its transboundary Lempa River Basin.
10077 Strengthening the Resilience of Central Asian Countries by Enabling Regional Cooperation to Assess Glacio-Nival Systems to Develop Integrated Methods for Sustainable Development and Adaptation to Climate Change
10076 Towards Joint Integrated, Ecosystem-based Management of the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystem (PACA)
10075 Strengthening management and governance for the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in coastal marine ecosystems in Chile
10048 Water Funds A Conservation Climate Resilient Model for Stressed Watersheds in Latin America and the Caribbean
10041 Managing Coastal Aquifers in Selected Pacific SIDS
10035 Preparing the Ground for the Implementation of the La Plata Basin Strategic Action Program
10033 Manas Integrated River Basin Management Project (M-IRBM)
9959 Long-term Financial Mechanism to Enhance Mediterranean MPA Management Effectiveness
9949 Setting the Foundations for Zero Net Loss of the Mangroves that Underpin Human Wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME
9944 Strengthening Fiji’s Network of Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) to Support Globally Significant Marine Biodiversity
9940 Towards Sustainable Management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) – Initial Support to SAP Implementation
9927 Building Resilience of Cambodian Communities Using Natural Infrastructure and Promoting Diversified Livelihood
9919 Implementation of the SAP of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System: Improving Groundwater Governance and Sustainability of Related Ecosystems
9912 Enhancing Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater Resources in Selected Transboundary Aquifers: Case Study for Selected Shared Groundwater Bodies in the Nile Basin
9911 Strengthening of the Enabling Environment, Ecosystem-based Management and Governance to Support Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme of the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem
9910 Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD-Volta River Basin)
9909 Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Programme
9906 West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project
9886 Economic Growth and Water Security in the Sahel through Improved Groundwater Governance
9804 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal Marine Production Landscapes
9803 Managing the Human-Biodiversity Interface in the Southern Marine Protected Areas of Haiti - MHBI
9801 Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration (DYNA)
9797 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program Phase 2
9770 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme to Ensure Integrated and Sustainable Management of the Transboundary Water Resources of the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change
9767 Fostering Multi-country Cooperation over Conjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in the Bug and Neman Transboundary River Basins and the Underlying Aquifer Systems
9766 Mainstreaming Conservation of Coastal Wetlands of Chile’s South Center Biodiversity Hotspot through Adaptive Management of Coastal Area Ecosystems
9762 Promoting Protected Areas Management through Integrated Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Protection in Coastal Area of Montenegro
9748 Creation of Marine Protected Areas in Angola
9720 Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish)
9705 Managing Multiple Sector Threats on Marine Ecosystems to Achieve Sustainable Blue Growth
9692 Second South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish2)
9691 Financing Advanced Environmental Technologies in the Mediterranean Sea Region for Water Systems and Clean Coasts (EnviTeCC)
9687 Mediterranean Coastal Zones Climate Resilience Water Security and Habitat Protection
9686 Mediterranean Sea Basin Environment and Climate Regional Support Project
9685 Mediterranean Coastal Zones: Managing the Water-Food-Energy and Ecosystems NEXUS
9684 Reducing Pollution from Harmful Chemicals and Wastes in Mediterranean Hot Spots and Measuring Progress to Impacts
9681 Addressing Marine Plastics - A Systemic Approach
9670 Enhancing Regional Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas
9654 Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management in ASEAN Countries
9613 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation Criteria in Mexico’s Tourism Sector with Emphasis on Biodiversity-rich Coastal Ecosystems
9607 Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security
9605 Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries Minimize the Impacts from Aquatic Biofouling (GloFouling Partnerships) https://www.glofouling.imo....
9601 CReW+: An Integrated Approach to Water and Wastewater Management Using Innovative Solutions and Promoting Financing Mechanisms in the Wider Caribbean Region
9594 Strengthening Trans-boundary Cooperation for Improved Ecosystem Management and Restoration in the Senegal delta (Mauritania and Senegal)
9593 Management of Competing Water Uses and Associated Ecosystems in Pungwe, Busi and Save Basins https://bupusa-basins.iwlea...
9592 Catalysing Implementation of a Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Humboldt Current System (HCS)
9573 Conservation and Sustainable use of Liberia’s Coastal Natural Capital
9571 Promoting Accelerated Uptake of Environmental Technologies and Promotion of Best Practices for Improved Water, Chemicals, and Waste Management in the Black Sea Basin
9566 Integrated Management of Water Resources of the Mira-Mataje and Carchi-Guaitara, Colombia–Ecuador Binational Basins
9563 Third South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish3)
9546 Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar's Marine Protected Areas Network
9545 Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning
9463 Strengthening Marine Protected Areas in SE China to conserve globally significant coastal biodiversity
9451 Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project
9446 Regional Project for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Lake Chad: Enhancing Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Lake Chad Basin
9443 Strengthening Capacity for International Cooperation in the Ecosystem-based Management of the Antarctic Large Marine Ecosystem
9433 S3MR Sustainable Management of Madagascar's Marine Resources
9431 A Ridge-to-Reef Approach for the Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Seychelles
9420 Strengthening Trans-boundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Songwe River Basin
9406 Integrated Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Forests on the South East Coast of St. Lucia
9400 Safeguarding Zanzibar’s Forest and Coastal Habitats for Multiple Benefits
9391 The Global Environmental Commons. Solutions for a Crowded Planet
9370 (NGI) The Meloy Fund : A Fund for Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia
9369 Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Ecuador Mainland Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Network
9360 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program, Additional Financing‎
9359 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin
9261 My-Coast: Ecosystem-Based Conservation of Myanmar’s Southern Coastal Zone
9246 Integrated Environmental Management of the Rio Motagua Watershed
9233 Addressing Invasive Alien Species Threats at Key Marine Biodiversity Areas
9215 Mitigating Key Sector Pressures on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Further Strengthening the National System of Marine Protected Areas in Djibouti
9194 Strengthening Adaptative Capacities to Climate Change through Capacity Building for Small Scale Enterprises and Communities Dependent on Coastal Fisheries in The Gambia
9165 Enabling Implementation of the Regional SAP for the Rational and Equitable Management of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS).
9160 Regional Partnership for African Fisheries Policy Reform (RAFIP)
9129 Eco-system Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Eastern Indonesia (Fisheries Management Area (FMA)- 715, 717 & 718)
9128 The Coastal Fisheries Initiatives Global Partnership
9126 Delivering Sustainable Environmental, Social and Economic Benefits in West Africa through Good Governance, Correct Incentives and Innovation
9125 The Coastal Fisheries Initiative Challenge Fund: Enabling Sustainable Private Sector Investment in Fisheries (CFI-CF)
9124 Coastal Fisheries Initiative- Latin America
9121 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the White Drin and the Extended Drin Basin
9113 Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in São Tomé and Príncipe’s Agricultural and Fisheries Sectors
9060 CFI: Coastal Fisheries Initiative (PROGRAM)
9054 Support to the Orange-Senqu River Strategic Action Programme Implementation
8029 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program SOP C1
6993 Integrated Solutions for Energy, Water, Energy and Land
6992 Ridge to Reef: Integrated Protected Area Land and Seascape Management in Tanintharyi
6970 Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP)
6964 Volta River Basin Strategic Action Programme Implementation Project
6962 Advancing IWRM Across the Kura River Basin through Implementation of the Transboundary Agreed Actions and National Plans
6955 Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
6952 Implementation of the Strategic Action Program of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem
6920 Implementation of the Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Action Programs
5905 First South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish 1)
5827 Coordination of the Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction ABNJ Program
5806 Creation of Loungo Bay Marine Protected Area to Support Turtles Conservation in Congo
5788 Assessment of Land Degradation Dynamic in Coffee -Cocoa Production and Northern Ivory Coast to Promote SLM Practices and Carbon Stock Conservation ALDD SLM CSC
5787 Bizerte Lake Environmental Project Lagoon and Marine de Pollution
5772 Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO), Contributing to the Improved Transboundary Water Governance in Africa
5771 Improving Mangrove Conservation across the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through Coordinated Regional and National Strategy Development and Implementation https://www.conservation.or...
5768 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Management of the Indonesian Sea
5765 Integrated Transboundary Ridges-to-Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef
5753 Realizing the Inclusive and Sustainable Development in the BCLME Region through the Improved Ocean Governmence and the Integrated Management of Ocean Use and Marine Resources
5748 Integrated Water Resources Management in the Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de Coipasa (TDPS) System
5739 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Ural River Basin
5729 GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network IW LEARN
5712 Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Costal Protected Areas
5702 FishAdapt: Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Fisheries and Aquaculture-dependent Livelihoods in Myanmar
5674 Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management Project
5667 Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector
5663 R2R Integrated Environmental Management of the Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment
5636 Community-based Climate Resilient Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Bangladesh
5622 LME-EA Coral Triangle Initiative Project (COREMAPIII-CTI) http://www.coraltriangleini...
5561 Mainstreaming Integrated Water and Environment Management
5556 West Balkans Drina River Basin Management
5552 Application of Ridge to Reef Concept for Biodiversity Conservation, and for the Enhancement of Ecosystem Service and Cultural Heritage in Niue
5551 Resilient Islands, Resilient Communities
5550 R2R Implementing a Ridge to Reef Approach to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions
5544 R2R Reimaanlok Looking to the Future: Strengthening Natural Resource Management in Atoll Communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands Employing Integrated Approaches (RMI R2R)
5542 Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+)
5538 Implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea
5535 Improving IWRM Knowledge based Management and Governance of the Niger Basin and the Iullemeden Taoudeni Tanezrouft Aquifer System (ITTAS)
5526 Support to the Cubango-Okavango River Basin Strategic Action Programme Implementation
5517 R2R Implementing an Integrated Ridge to Reef Approach to Enhance Ecosystem Services, to Conserve Globally Important Biodiversity and to Sustain Local Livelihoods in the FSM
5514 Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of the Coastal Zone in the Republic of Mauritius https://oceanconference.un....
5513 Western Indian Ocean LMEs Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms SAPPHIRE Project https://www.nairobiconventi...
5510 R2R Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the National System of Protected Areas
5508 Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency
5487 Integrated Development for Increased Rural Climate Resilience in the Niger Basin
5452 Guangdong Agricultural Pollution Control
5405 EAS Scaling up the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia
5404 R2R - Testing the Integration of Water, Land, Forest & Coastal Management to Preserve Ecosystem Services, Store Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods in Pacific Island Countries
5401 Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand
5400 Targeted Research for Improving Understanding of the Global Nitrogen Cycle towards the Establishment of an International Nitrogen Management System INMS
5398 Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Preserve Ecosystem Services, Sequester Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods in Fiji (Fiji R2R)
5397 R2R: Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management
5395 R2R- Pacific Islands Ridge-to-Reef National Priorities – Integrated Water, Land, Forest and Coastal Management to Preserve Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Store Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods
5393 EAS Sustainable Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the West Pacific and East Asian Seas
5381 R2R: Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions in Nauru (R2R Nauru)
5380 Increasing Resilience of Ecosystems and Vulnerable Communities to CC and Anthropic Threats Through a Ridge to Reef Approach to BD Conservation and Watershed Management
5348 Conserving Biodiversity and Enhancing Ecosystem Functions through a "Ridge to Reef" Approach in the Cook Island
5310 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins
5304 Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC)
5301 Enabling Country of the Transboundary Syr Darya Basin to Make Sustainable Use of their Ground Water Potential and Subsurface Space with Consideration to Climate Variability and Change
5293 Save the Source: Catalyzing Market Transformation of Breweries from a Major Natural Resource Consuming Industry to a Pro-active Steward for Resource Efficient Cleaner Production
5284 Integrated Water Resources Management in the Puyango-Tumbes, Catamayo-Chira and Zarumilla Transboundary Aquifers and River Basins https://iwrmzarumilla.iwlea...
5281 LME-EA Philippine Rural Development Program
5278 Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their Coasts through Enhanced Sharing and Application of LME/ICM/MPA Knowledge and Information Tools
5271 Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities http://globalmarinecommodit...
5269 Adriatic Sea Environmental Pollution Control Project (I)
5208 R2R: Advancing Sustainable Resources Management to Improve Livelihoods and Protect Biodiversity in Palau
5171 CTI: Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program-Coral Triangle Initiative, Phase III (COREMAP-CTI III)
5133 Senegal River Basin Climate Change Resilience Development Project
5131 Enhancing Capacity to Develop and Manage Global Environmental Projects in the Pacific
5121 Energy Conservation, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Staple Crop Production
5113 Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System
5112 Governance Strengthening for the Management and Protection of Coastal- Marine Biodiversity in Key Ecological Areas and the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF)
5110 Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts
5101 Strengthened Environmental Management Information System for Coastal Development to Meet Rio Convention Objectives
5088 Conserving Biodiversity in Coastal Areas Threatened by Rapid Tourism and Physical Infrastructure Development
5069 Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions within and Around Protected Areas
5062 Development of a National Network of Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas Representative of the Comoros Unique Natural Heritage and Co-managed with Local Village Communities
5057 Iyanola - Natural Resource Management of the NE Coast
4966 Sustainable Groundwater Management in SADC Member States
4964 ARCTIC: Environment Project (Financial Mechanism for Environmental Rehabilitation in Arctic)
4953 Mano River Union Ecosystem Conservation and International Water Resources Management (IWRM) Project
4940 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-based Sources and Activities
4936 Reducing Pollution and Rebuilding Degraded Marine Resources in the East Asian Seas through Implementation of Intergovernmental Agreements and Catalyzed Investments (PROGRAM)
4932 Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (IWEco)
4930 Enhancing the Conservation Effectiveness of Seagrass Ecosystems Supporting Globally Significant Populations of Dugong Across the Indian and Pacific Ocean Basins (Short Title: The Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project)
4856 Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation - Models for Innovation and Reform
4847 Pine Islands - Forest/Mangrove Innovation and Integration (Grand Bahama, New Providence, Abaco and Andros)
4810 Strengthening the Marine Protected Area System to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas
4799 Implementing Integrated Measures for Minimizing Mercury Releases from Artisanal Gold Mining
4796 ARCTIC: Improvement of Environmental Governance and Knowledge Management for SAP-Arctic Implementation
4795 ARCTIC: Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) for Major Arctic Rivers to Achieve Multiple Global Environmental Benefits
4792 Conservation of Coastal Watersheds to Achieve Multiple Global Environmental Benefits in the Context of Changing Environments
4770 Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Areas of High Value for Biodiversity in Continental Ecuador
4766 Implementation of Eco-industrial Park Initiative for Sustainable Industrial Zones in Vietnam
4748 Improving Lake Chad Management through Building Climate Change Resilience and Reducing Ecosystem Stress through Implementaion of the SAP
4746 Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions and Related Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
4730 Increasing Representation of Effectively Managed Marine Ecosystems in the Protected Area System
4716 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
4708 Strengthening the Sub-system of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas
4690 Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES)
4680 LCB-NREE Lake Chad Basin Regional Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Efficiency (PROGRAM)
4669 Namibian Coast Conservation and Management Project
4664 ARCTIC GEF-Russian Federation Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management in the Arctic under a Rapidly Changing Climate (Arctic Agenda 2020)
4660 Sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the ABNJ
4659 Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development: Mainstreaming the Application of Marine Spatial Planning Strategies, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use
4658 ARCTIC Integrated Adaptive Management of the West Bering Sea Large Marine Ecosystem in a Changing Climate http://westberingsea.iwlear...
4637 Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
4635 LME-EA Scaling Up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts (PROGRAM)
4582 Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)
4581 Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)
4580 Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)
4533 Flood and Drought Management Tools
4528 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program in Ghana
4489 A Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme: Aquifers, Lake/Reservoir Basins, River Basins, Large Marine Ecosystems, and Open Ocean to catalyze sound environmental management
4487 LME-AF Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Large Marine Ecosystems in Africa (PROGRAM)
4483 Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin
4452 Standardized Methodologies for Carbon Accounting and Ecosystem Services Valuation of Blue Forests
4382 Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme
4343 UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea LME Phase II Project
4280 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program APL B1
4256 Making Ocean Life Count
4212 Global Foundations For Reducing Nutrient Enrichment and ODFLB Pollution in Support of GNC
4205 Regional Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for the Promotion of Treated Wastewater Reuse in the Mediterranean /MENA Countries
4198 MED Integrated Coastal Zone Management-Mediterranean Coast
4180 Coastal Protected Area Management
4092 Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction
4083 CBSP- Integrated management of mangrove and associated wetlands and coastal forests ecosystems of the Republic of Congo
4029 Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem
4027 Global Partnership with Fisheries Industry for the Sustainability of Living Aquatic Resources
4020 Market Policy and Legislative Development for Mainstreaming the Sustainable Management of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in Lebanon
4001 MED: Sustainable Governance and Knowledge Generation
3997 Albania - Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
3991 MED Enhanced Water Resources Management
3990 MED Integration of Climatic Variability and Change into National Strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean
3980 CTI Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Sector
3978 Regional Coordination on Improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Horizontal Adaptable Programmatic Programme (H-APL)(TA)
3977 MED Mediterranean Environmental Sustainable Development Program "Sustainable MED"
3974 MED Greater Tunis Treated Wastewater Discharge in the Mediterranean Sea.
3970 MED Coastal Rivers and Orontes River Basins Water Resources Management Project
3956 Consolidating Costa Rica's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
3954 PAS: Community-Based Forest and Coastal Conservation and Resource Management in PNG
3941 IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Malvan Coast, Maharashtra State
3936 IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Godavari River Estuary in Andhra Pradesh State
3924 Development Market Place 2009: Adaptation to Climate Change (DM 2009)
3910 Inter-jurisdictional System of Coastal-Marine Protected Areas (ISCMPA)
3900 MENARID GEF IW:LEARN: Strengthening IW Portfolio Delivery and Impact
3887 Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management
3865 Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas System
3863 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Fisheries and Tourism Activities carried out in Coastal /Marine Ecosystems
3862 Strengthening Fisheries Governance to Protect Freshwater and Wetland Biodiversity
3858 Sustainable Financing and Management of Eastern Caribbean Marine Ecosystems
3826 Designing and Implementing a National Sub-System of Marine Protected Areas (SMPA)
3821 CBSP Sustainable Community Based Management and Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems in Cameroon
3810 Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program
3809 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Strategic Ecosystem Management
3766 Testing a Prototype Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW)
3749 Towards Ecosystem Management of the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem
3729 Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network
3726 Groundwater Governance: A Global Framework for Country Action http://www.groundwatergover...
3725 Coastal Cities Pollution Control (APL 2)
3713 Establishing Effectively Managed Marine Protected Areas in Djibouti
3690 Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System
3669 Second Natural Resources Management Project
3661 IND-BD: GEF Coastal and Marine Program (IGCMP)
3645 MENARID Reducing Risks to the Sustainable Management of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS)
3639 CTI GEF IW: LEARN: Portfolio Learning in International Waters with a Focus on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands and Regional Asia/Pacific and Coral Triangle Learning Processes - under the Coral Triangle Initiative http://sites3.iwlearn3.webf...
3620 The Caspian Sea: Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Consolidation of a Permanent Regional Environmental Governance Framework http://www.caspianenvironme...
3619 CTI Strategies for Fisheries Bycatch Management
3607 Application of a Regional Approach to the Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in Cuba's Southern Archipelagos
3591 PAS Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific - under the Pacific Alliance for Sustainability Program
3589 Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle-Southeast Asia (CTI-SEA) https://ctisoutheastasia.wo...
3576 Partnership to Mainstream Marine and Coastal Biodiversity into Oil and Gas Sector Development in Mauritania
3559 Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa (Tranche 1, Installment 2)
3558 SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) http://www.liberiafisheries...
3548 Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation
3524 CTI Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SCS)
3523 CTI West Pacific-East Asia Oceanic Fisheries Management Project - under the Coral Triangle Initiative
3522 CTI Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Programme (ATSEA) - under the Coral Triangle Initiative
3521 Joint Actions to Reduce PTS and Nutrients Pollution in Lake Baikal through Integrated Basin Management
3519 Reducing and Preventing Land-based Pollution in the Rio de la Plata/Maritime Front through Implementation of the FrePlata Strategic Action Programme
3518 Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia
3420 PAS GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability
3410 Piloting of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Uruguayan Coastal Fisheries
3401 SIP-Equatorial Africa Deposition Network (EADN)
3399 SIP-Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II
3398 SIP-Eastern Nile Transboundary Watershed Management in Support of ENSAP Implementation
3343 Enhancing the Use of Science in International Waters Projects to Improve Project Results http://projects.csg.uwaterl...
3342 Development of Methodologies for GEF Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme
3341 Regional Dialogue and Twinning to Improve Transboundary Water Resources Governance in Africa
3340 Good Practices and Portfolio Learning in Transboundary Freshwater and Marine Legal and Institutional Frameworks
3321 Mainstreaming Groundwater Considerations into the Integrated Management of the Nile River Basin
3314 Sustainable Management of Fish Resources - under the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa
3313 Kenya Coastal Development Project
3309 Participatory Planning and Implementation in the Management of Shantou Intertidal Wetland
3305 Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation
3271 Regional Activities of the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub Saharan Africa, Tranche 1
3242 Adaptation to Climate Change in the Nile Delta Through Integrated Coastal Zone Management https://www.adaptation-undp...
3229 World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 2nd Installment
3223 Shanghai Agricultural and Non-Point Pollution Reduction project (SANPR) - under WB/GEF Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
3188 Demonstration of Community-based Mgt of Seagrass Habitats in Trikora Beach East Bintan, Riau Archipelago Province, Indonesia http://seagrass-indonesia.o...
3187 Demonstration of Sustainable Management of Coral Reef Resources in the Coastal Waters of Ninh Hai District, Ninh Thuan Province, Viet Nam
3181 Pollution Reduction through Improved Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities in ACP Countries with a Focus on SIDS
3148 Croatia: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under the Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
3138 Global - Applying an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management: Focus on Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean
3128 Integrated Water Resources Management of the Sao Francisco River Basin and Its Coastal Zone (GEF São Francisco)
3025 World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1, Installment 2) (from November 05 WP)
3021 Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Operation of the Tourism and Fisheries Sectors in the Archipelagos of Panama
2979 Second Shandong Environment - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
2972 Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
2970 Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project-under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
2929 Regional - Reducing Conflicting Water Uses in the Artibonite River Basin through Development and Adoption of a Multi-focal Area Strategic Action Programme
2885 Meso-American Barrier Reef System II
2881 Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Resources in Puntarenas
2864 Accruing Multiple Global Benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management/ Water Use Efficiency Planning: A Demonstration Project for Sub-Saharan Africa
2860 Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo
2856 Knowledge Base for Lessons Learned and Best Practices in the Management of Coral Reefs
2759 Manila Third Sewerage Project (MTSP) - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
2758 Coastal Cities Environment and Sanitation Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
2753 Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka
2750 Ningbo Water and Environment Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia
2746 Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe http://nutrient-bestpractic...
2732 MENARID Institutional Strengthening and Coherence for Integrated Natural Resources Management
2722 Fostering a Global Dialogue on Oceans, Coasts, and SIDS, and on Freshwater-Coastal-Marine Interlinkages http://www.globaloceanforum...
2706 Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS
2703 Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil
2701 Development and Adoption of a Strategic Action Program for Balancing Water Uses and Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Orange-Senqu River Transboundary Basin
2700 Implementation of Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia
2688 Integrated Ecosystem Management of the Gulf of Fonseca
2632 MENARID Participatory Control of Desertification and Poverty Reduction in the Arid and Semi Arid High Plateau Ecosystems of Eastern Morocco
2631 MENARID Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Water Management Practices
2617 Establishment of a Basin Management Framework for the Integrated Management for the Tisza Transboundary River Basin
2602 Alexandria Coastal Zone Management Project (ACZM)
2601 World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 1st Allocation
2600 Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem--Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas http://www.themedpartnershi...
2586 PAS Implementing Sustainable Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in the Pacific Island Countries - under the GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability
2584 Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Tranche 2
2571 Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool for the Benguela Coastal Areas (DLIST-Benguela)
2544 Implementation of The Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution
2517 Sustainable Environmental Management for Sixaola River Basin
2474 Promoting Ecosystem-based Approaches to Fisheries Conservation and LMEs
2454 World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1 of 3 tranches)
2422 Integration of Ecosystem Management Principles and Practices into Land and Water Management of Slovakias Eastern Lowlands
2405 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Program Development for the Lake Victoria Basin
2364 Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change
2263 Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem, Tranche 2
2261 Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships)
2251 Mainstreaming Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Coastal Management in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone
2188 East Asian Seas Region: Development and Implementation of Public Private Partnerships in Environmental Investments
2143 Water Quality Protection Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
2141 Serbia: Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project (RENDR) (under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Black Sea/Danube Basin)
2138 Livestock Waste Management in East Asia
2135 Guangdong-Pearl River Delta Urban Environment
2133 Lake Skadar-Shkodra Integrated Ecosystem Management
2132 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Republic of Croatia: Neretva and Trebisnjica Management Project - Under Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea LME Partnership
2131 Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project
2130 Restoration, Protection and Sustainable Use of the Sistan Basin
2129 Demonstrating and Capturing Best Practices and Technologies for the Reduction of Land-sourced Impacts Resulting from Coastal Tourism (COAST)
2101 Marine and Coastal Environment Management Project (MACEMP)
2098 Western Indian Ocean Marine Highway Development and Coastal and Marine Contamination Prevention Project
2095 Sustainable Management of the Water Resources of the La Plata Basin with Respect to the Effects of Climate Variability and Change
2093 SP-SFIF: Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa (Tranche 1, Installment 1)
2044 Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea - World Bank-GEF Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund: Tranche 3
2042 Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin, Phase 2
2041 Managing Hydrogeological Risk in the Iullemeden Aquifer System
2020 Formulation of an Action Programme for the Integrated Management of the Shared Nubian Aquifer
1945 Preserving Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Value of Mangrove Ecosystems in Tropical America
1909 Protection of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME)
1893 Strengthening Global Capacity to Sustain Transboundary Waters: The International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN), Operational Phase
1889 Romania: Hazards Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (HRMEPP)
1872 Community Agriculture and Watershed Management
1851 Protection of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) and related humid zones and ecosystems
1665 Towards a Lake Basin Management Initiative and a Contribution to the Third World Water Forum: Sharing Experiences and Early Lessons in GEF and non-GEF Lake Basin Management Projects
1661 Danube/Black Sea Basin Strategic Partnership - Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund: Tranche 2
1618 Towards a Convention and Action Programme for the Protection of the Caspian Sea Environment (Phase II) http://www.caspianenvironme...
1591 Regional Programme of Action and Demonstration of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for Malaria Vector Control in Mexico and Central America
1580 Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem: Phase 1
1542 Moldova: Environmental Infrastructure Project - under Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea
1537 Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR-Macedonia and Greece
1531 Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management
1462 Programme for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems: Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
1460 Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project
1455 Capacity Building for Small Island Developing States through SIDSNet
1444 Development and Implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Programme
1426 Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to Disseminate Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Deltamerica)
1420 Reducing Dependence on POPs and other Agro-Chemicals in the Senegal and Niger River Basins through Integrated Production, Pest and Pollution Management
1375 Reducing Transboundary Degradation in the Kura-Aras Basin
1355 Moldova: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
1353 Nature Conservation and Flood Control in the Yangtze River Basin
1351 Hungary: Reduction of Nutrient Discharges - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
1346 Integrated Assessment and Management of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem
1323 Hai River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management
1317 Coastal Biodiversity Management of DPR Korea's West Sea
1270 Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration
1254 Integrating Watershed and Coastal Area Management in the Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean (IWCAM)
1252 Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem
1248 Reducing Pesticide Runoff to the Caribbean Sea
1247 Addressing Land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB)
1229 EBRD/GEF Environmental Credit Facility (formerly entitled Slovenia: National Pollution Reduction Project)
1223 Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Mining and Extraction Technologies
1188 Combating Living Resource Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea Current LME through Ecosystem-based Regional Actions
1164 Russian Federation - Support to the National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment
1159 Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
1123 Bulgaria: Wetland Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project - component of Danube/Black Sea Strategic Partnership: Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund
1111 Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area
1109 Senegal River Basin Water and Environmental Management Programme
1094 Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I
1093 Reversing Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Niger River Basin
1082 Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP)
1080 Integrated Water and Ecosystems Management Project
1074 Turkey: Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea
1032 Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions
1017 Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika
1014 Danube/Black Sea Basin Strategic Partnership on Nutrient Reduction, Phase I
985 Developing Renewable Groundwater Resources in Arid Lands: A Pilot Case - The Eastern Desert of Egypt
974 Environmental Protection and Sustainable Integrated Management of the Guarani Aquifer
970 Southern African Development Community - SADC - Groundwater and Drought Management Project
963 Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control of the Gulf of Honduras http://www.golfodehonduras....
922 Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP), Phase I
886 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Binational Basin: Phase II
885 Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)
884 Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling Through the Introduction of By-Catch Reduction Technologies and Change of Management
867 Transfer of Environmentally-sound Technology (TEST) to Reduce Transboundary Pollution in the Danube River Basin
849 Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa (CMEA)
842 Environmental Protection and Sustainable Management of the Okavango River Basin
837 Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS)
807 Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security, and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North
806 Building Environmental Citizenship to Support Transboundary Pollution Reduction in the Danube: A Pilot Project in Hungary and Slovenia
791 Formulation of a Strategic Action Programme for the Integrated Management of Water Resources and Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone (PROCUENCA)
790 Reducing Environmental Stress in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME)
789 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Toward Achievement of the Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME)
767 Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem
666 Coastal Zone Management along the Gulf of Aden
633 Georgia: Agricultural Research, Extension, Training Project (ARET)
615 Mekong River Basin Water Utilization Project
614 Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Heavily Contaminated Bays in the Wider Caribbean
613 Environmental protection of the Rio de la Plata and its Maritime Front: Pollution Prevention and Control and Habitat Restoration (FREPLATA)
612 World Water Vision - Water and Nature
610 Removal of Barriers to the Effective Implementation of Ballast Water Control and Management Measures in Developing Countries (GloBallast)
597 Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas
596 Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues in the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP) http://www.caspianenvironme...
587 Ship Waste Disposal
586 Integrated Management of Land-Based Activities in the Sao Francisco Basin
585 Wider Caribbean Initiative for Ship-Generated Waste
584 Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA)
583 Integrated Watershed Management of the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin (GEF Pantanal/Upper Paraguay Project)
533 Western Indian Ocean Islands Oil Spill Contingency Planning
532 Strengthening Capacity for Global Knowledge-Sharing in International Waters (IW:LEARN)
531 Poland: Rural Environmental Protection Project (REPP)
530 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SPREP)
514 Role of the Coastal Ocean in the Disturbed and Undisturbed Nutrient and Carbon Cycles
462 Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Tumen River Area, Its Coastal Regions and Related Northeast Asian Environs
461 Determination of Priority Actions for the Further Elaboration and Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean Sea
460 Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Dnieper River Basin and Development of SAP Implementation Mechanisms
459 Coastal Contamination Prevention and Sustainable Fisheries Management
405 Black Sea Environmental Management
399 Danube River Basin Environmental Management
398 Pollution Control and Other Measures to Protect Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika (LTBP)
397 Black Sea Environmental Management (BSEP)
396 Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas
395 Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project
394 Protection of Marine Ecosystems of the Red Sea Coast
393 Water Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation in the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem (GOGLME)
392 Support for Regional Oceans Training Programme
342 Developing the Danube River Basin Pollution Reduction Programme
341 Developing the Implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan (BSSAP)
340 Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
176 Strategic Action Programme for Binational Basin of the Rio Bermejo
113 Lake Ohrid Management
88 Lake Victoria Environmental Management
73 Water and Environmental Management in the Aral Sea Basin
72 Gulf of Aqaba Environmental Action Plan
68 Oil Pollution Management Project for the Southwest Mediterranean Sea
59 Ship-Generated Waste Management
14 Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (RBA-PTS)