International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES)

Project Objective: In developing countries coastal ecosystems — coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds — provide fish to eat and trade, support tourism, protect coastlines from storms and filter water.

Coastal communities rely on these coral ecosystems for their livelihoods, food and wellbeing. Unfortunately, these ecosystems are under threat from pollution, overfishing, destructive fishing, unsustainable coastal development and climate change.

Between 2014-2018 the Capturing Coral Reef & Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES) project, in collaboration with project partners and beneficiaries, developed 16 technical tools and knowledge products to assist managers, policy-makers and planners to improve the management of coastal ecosystems.

The tools can be used for planning Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), modelling socio-ecological systems, developing sustainable enterprises and fostering behaviour change. They were developed following research by multi-disciplinary teams that include scientists, policy-makers, businesses and other experts from a range of fields — collaboration between centres of discovery, learning and engagement in North America, Australia and importantly our partners in Indonesia and the Philippines. The tools can be used individually to address a specific coastal challenge, such identifying the size and location of MPAs, or collectively to deliver a system-wide solution. Download the tools and the complete guide by clicking on the thumbnail or download in parts using this list:

(1) CCRES Tools Guide with corresponding links for downloading every tool

(2) Marine Planning ToolsMPA and Fisheries Simulator  I  Rebuilding reef fisheries with marine protected areas (MPAs) toolbox  I  Policy brief: Healthy fisheries through marine reserves  I  MPA placement optimization tool  I  MPA size optimization tool  I  Fish SPACE (Fisheries for Sustaining People’s Access through Conservation and Equitable Systems)  I  Policy brief: Priority reefs for conservation and fisheries replenishment  I  Policy brief: Reduced pathogenic bacteria through seagrass protection  I  Reef React  I  Coastal Protection

(3) Systems AnalysisSESAMME  I  System Simulation Model  I  SYSTORY

(4) Business DevelopmentEcosystem-based Business Development (EbBD) Approach for Coastal Communities  I  Eco-Biz Challenge

(5) Behaviour ChangeMy Future, My Oceans  I  FishCollab

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and The University of Queensland (UQ) funded the CCRES project. The World Bank implemented it and UQ executed it. The CCRES project closed on December 31, 2018. For more information contact the project manager Dr Liz Izquierdo at

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Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 4690
IBRD ID 123933
Project type Full-Size Project
Status active (Project Approved)
Start Date 19 Aug 2013
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project 4,500,000 USD
Total Cost of the project: 32,310,000.00 USD
Indonesia , Philippines , Regional

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB)

Project contacts
Christian Severin Senior Environmental Specialist
Peter Mumby Chief Project Scientist
Liz Izquierdo Project manager
Damian Hine Professor