International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo

This project seeks to develop a framework for the coordinated management of the entire Rio Bravo drainage basin in a sustainable manner, based upon an agreement between the two countries, and establishment of an appropriate institutional framework. It also is designed to further catalyze cooperation among the two countries, through furthering a process designed to identify common water resources policy issues, and to formulate a new cooperative framework within which to address shared, transboundary water resources issues. Furthering the results of the PDF-A activities defining this project, and within the framework of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – Strategic Action Program (TDA-SAP) approach of the GEF, the ultimate goal is to develop and facilitate implementation of an integrated, interdisciplinary management plan approach for sustainable water use within the Rio Bravo basin. It is viewed as the necessary initial step for joint development and implementation of a long-term binational plan to meet future human and ecosystem water demands on both sides of the border in the Rio Bravo drainage basin in a sustainable manner, as well as for development of possible short-term, interim measures and actions to meet current and near-future water shortages. Indeed, because the Rio Bravo and its drainage basin are of significant economic importance to both Mexico and the United States, and support many environmentally-important ecosystems, the sustainable use of the Rio Bravo Basin and its water and natural resources is a priority issue for both countries.

Other (not set)

Rio Grande (North America)

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Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 2860
Project type Full-Size Project
Status active (Under Implementation)
Start Date 06 Dec 2010
End Date 30 Dec 2014
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project USD 4,000,000
Total Cost of the project: USD 13,954,491
YES - See results data (2860)

UN Environment (UNEP)

Project contacts