Manuals and toolkits are targeted knowledge sharing and programmatic guidance tools for practitioners in GEF International Waters and beyond. They cover a range of topics such as the TDA/SAP Methodology, Project Management, Economic Valuation and Public Private Partnerships; as well as thematic issues such as mainstreaming Climate Change. You may also directly access the common glossary and library (including case studies and example terms of reference) dedicated to the Manuals.
TDA/SAP Methodology
The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/Strategic Action Programme (TDA/SAP) approach is a highly collaborative process that has proven to be a major component of GEF International Waters projects over the last 26 years.
Project Management Manual
The Project Management Manual is a reference source and a guide for managing GEF IW projects. It contains a checklist to consider at every stage from inception to project closure, and gives guidance important topics such as monitoring an...
Public-Private Partnerships Guidebook
The Public-Private Partnerships Guidebook is a reference source and a guide for GEF IW projects. It contains information on the engaging the private sector both generally and in the context for a GEF IW project. This tool contains step b...
Mainstreaming Climate Change Guidance
Welcome to GEF IW:LEARN guidance for projects on climate change and variability. The guidance is designed to assist GEF IW projects with the GEF V requirement to take climate change and variability into consideration in the implementatio...
Economic Valuation of "wet" ecosystems
The GEF Guidance Document for Economic Valuation in IW Projects is a reference source and a guide for GEF IW projects. It contains step-by-step guidance on the economic valuation of ecosystem services of inland and marine "wet" ecosystem...
Welcome to the world’s first – and today’s most comprehensive – free, online database about integrated water resources management (IWRM). IWRM is about good water governance.