International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

All Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis endorsed by countries participating in GEF IW projects are available here.

21 Oct 2024 - tda - project: 4953 - English TRANSBOUNDARY DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS OF PRIORITY BASINS Great and Little Scarcies, Moa-Makono and Cavally Rivers
TRANSBOUNDARY DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS OF PRIORITY BASINS Great and Little Scarcies, Moa-Makono and Cavally Rivers
21 Oct 2024 - tda - project: 4953 - French ANALYSE DIAGNOSTIQUE TRANSFRONTALIERE DE BASSINS PRIORITAIRES Les fleuves Kolente & Kaba (Great and Little Scarcies), Moa-Makona et Cavally
ANALYSE DIAGNOSTIQUE TRANSFRONTALIERE DE BASSINS PRIORITAIRES Les fleuves Kolente & Kaba (Great and Little Scarcies), Moa-Makona et Cavally
13 Mar 2024 - tda - project: 10172 - Spanish Transboundary Analysis of the Binational Watershed of the Sixaola River. VOL II
Herramientas de planificación estratégica de la gestión integral de los recursos hídricos de la cuenca Binacional del Rio Sixaola - VOL. II Anexo de reportes Temáticos
13 Mar 2024 - tda - project: 10172 - Spanish Transboundary Analysis of the Binational Watershed of the Sixaola River. VOL I
Herramientas de planificación estratégica de la gestión integral de los recursos hídricos de la cuenca Binacional del Rio Sixaola - VOL. I Análisis Transfronterizo de la Cuenca Binacional del Río Sixaola
This Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) has been prepared under the auspices of ATSEA-2, in order to review the status and trends of important coastal and marine resources, identify priority transboundary environmental issues in the ATS regio...
19 Jan 2021 - tda - project: 4746 - English Western and Central Pacific Ocean Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
This TDA fills an earlier gap in the management development process for the Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries. When the original Strategic Action Programme (SAP) was adopted back in 1997 (over 20 years ago), it was not based on a detailed TDA. In...
22 Oct 2020 - tda - project: 4343 - English Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (2020)
The Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) is one of the world’s 66 LMEs—relatively large areas of coastal ocean space of 200,000 km2 or greater delineated on the ecological criteria of bathymetry, hydrography, productivity and trophic linkages...
06 Apr 2020 - tda - project: 1537 - English Lake Prespa Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
The Prespa Lakes Basin is a high altitude system (approximately 850 m) with a combined catchment of over 2,500 km2 covering part of the territory of Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece. The basin is home to nearly 30,000 ...
02 Apr 2020 - tda - project: 1111 - English Volta Basin Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
Towards the end of the 1990s, increasing pressure on the region’s natural resources, in particular on water, and an increase in the number of floods, led to a realization among the six countries of the Volta Basin of the need for a closer and more...
26 Feb 2020 - tda - project: 2095 - English Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the La Plata Basin
Through a broad participatory process, the state and behavior of water systems were characterized, synthesizing the main current and emerging critical transboundary issues (CTIs), their associated causal chains, preliminary proposals for solutions...
26 Feb 2020 - tda - project: 3524 - English Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Sulu-Celebes Large Marine Ecosystem
The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Sulu-Celebes Large Marine Ecosystem identified five priority issues (Unsustainable exploitation of fish; Habitat loss and community modification; Climate Change; Marine Pollution; Freshwater shortage) ...
26 Feb 2020 - tda - project: 9446 - French Projet d’analyse diagnostique transfrontalière du bassin du lac Tchad - 2018 (version mise à jour)
Le présent document est la version actualisée de l’Analyse diagnostique transfrontalière (ADT) du bassin du lac Tchad de 2005, qui a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet financé par le Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (FEM) et intitulé Inversion...
26 Feb 2020 - tda - project: 9446 - English Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Lake Chad Basin - 2018 Update
This document provides an update to the 2005 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Lake Chad Basin, conducted as part of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad ...
17 Oct 2019 - tda - project: 1188 - English Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem -Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
The main objective of the Guinea Current TDA is to provide, on the basis of clearly established evidence, structured information relating to the degradation and changing state of the GCLME, to scale the realtive importance of the causes and souces...
05 Aug 2019 - tda - project: 1462 - English The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Large Marine Ecosystems of the Western Indian Ocean (Volume 1: Baseline)
This Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) has been developed jointly by the ASCLME and SWIOF Projects in 2012 and is the regional synthesis report on the current status of the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems. It presents an a...
19 Jun 2019 - tda - project: 2263 - English Black Sea Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (2007)
This report represents the second Black Sea transboundary diagnostic analysis (TDA), the first of which was produced in 1996. It assesses the environmental status of the Sea, focusing on the major transboundary problems, their causes and what shou...
09 May 2019 - tda - project: 1909 - French Analyse Diagnostique Transfrontalière (TDA) pour le Grand écosystème marin du courant des Canaries
Le projet Protection du Grand écosystème marin du courant des Canaries (Projet CCLME) est conduit par plusieurs agences et pays et a pour but d’institutionnaliser une gestion basée sur la coopération et une gestion adaptative. Le Maroc, la Maurita...
09 May 2019 - tda - project: 1909 - English Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) presents an analysis of the “ecosystem status” of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) and threats to the long-term sustainability of coastal and marine processes. The document has evolved o...
08 May 2019 - tda - English Bay of Bengal LME Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) Volume 2
The TDA of the BOBLME draws on numerous studies and extensive regional and national consultations with stakeholders. Importantly, the TDA provides the scientific basis for the development of the Strategic Action Programme that sets out a strategy ...
06 May 2019 - tda - project: 1462 - English Appendices to the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Large Marine Ecosystems of the Western Indian Ocean
Appendix I. Principles and guidelines for Data and Information  Management on the ASCLME Project. Appendix II. ASCLME Data and Information Management Plan. Appendix III. List of recorded alien species. Appendix IV: Areas of Concern, Ecosystem Qual...




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