Welcome to the Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management Hub

Recognizing the importance of groundwater resources and their joint management with surface water and other resources for transboundary water security, this hub gathers and enables exchanges of knowledge and practices within and outside the GEF International Waters (IW) portfolio to enhance IW project effective action towards a comprehensive integration of all water resources.

Conjunctive Water Management is an approach to water resources management in which surface water, groundwater and other components of the water cycle are considered as one single resource, and therefore are managed in closest possible coordination, in order to maximize overall benefits from water and to minimize its potential harmful impacts, both at the short and at the long term.

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2nd UNESCO Regional Training Course on “Conjunctive Management Solutions of Surface and Groundwater: Governance and Policies” under the UNEP/GEF MedProgramme CP2.1.
12 Jul 2024
“Mediterranean Coastal Zones: water security, climate resilience and habitat protection,” 17-18 July 2024, Valencia, Spain
National Dialogues on Conjunctive Surface Water and Groundwater Management in Albania, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia under the UNEP/GEF MedProgramme (April 2024)
29 Mar 2024
In April 2024, National Dialogues on conjunctive water management will be organized in four beneficiary countries, Albania, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia, under the framework of the UNEP/GEF ...
UN 2023 Water Conference
13 Oct 2023
GEF supported the side-event convened on 24 March 2023 by Namibia, Botswana and South Africa during the UN 2023 Water Conference.

The Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management Hub is supported by the GEF IW:LEARN and offers a platform for capturing knowledge and building capacity for practitioners on transboundary waters management.