International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Southern African Development Community - SADC - Groundwater and Drought Management Project

The objective of the project is for the SADC member states to develop cooperatively a strategic regional approach to support and enhance the capacity of its member States in the definition of drought management policies, specifically in relation to the role, availability (magnitude and recharge) and supply potential of groundwater resources. The project consists of four components.

  • The first, development and testing of a groundwater drought management plan for the Limpopo River Basin pilot areas, will test the application and replicability of methods of decreasing the vulnerability of local communities and GDEs to the effects of groundwater droughts, and to ensure that practical on-the-ground benefits accrue to local people from the project.
  • The second, regional groundwater drought management support, will provide tools for transboundary groundwater management, including hydrogeological maps and maps of groundwater vulnerability and water scarcity.
  • The third, establishment of the Groundwater Management Institute of Southern Africa (GMISA), will create an institution to increase knowledge of and capacity for groundwater management in SADC, in order to sustain the work of the project and maintain readiness to address future drought events.
  • The fourth, project management and administration, will provide maximum extemal support to the SADC Water Division.

This will assist in reconciling the demands for socio-economic development and those of the principal groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Tools will be elaborated for regional cooperative management of transboundary aquifers and to guide sustainable downstream investments in proactive drought mitigation.


Karoo Sedimentary Aquifer , Limpopo Basin , Tuli Karoo Sub-basin , Ramotswa Dolomite Basin , South-east Kalahari / Karoo Basin , Medium Zambezi Aquifer , Nata Karoo Sub-basin , Northern Kalahari / Karoo Basin , Karoo Sandstone Aquifer

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Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 970
IBRD ID 70547
Project type Full-Size Project
Status closed (Project Closure)
Start Date 14 Jun 2005
End Date 31 Oct 2011
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area International Waters
GEF Allocation to project USD 7,000,000
Total Cost of the project: USD 13,900,000
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba , Botswana , Mozambique , South Africa , Regional

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB)

Project contacts
Phera Ramoeli Chief Engineer
Philip Beetlestone Project manager
Barbara Lopi Communications Officer
Dr. Marcus Wishart Senior Water Resource Specialist