Demonstration of Community-based Mgt of Seagrass Habitats in Trikora Beach East Bintan, Riau Archipelago Province, Indonesia
The proposed project is one of the demonstration projects developed under the framework of the UNEP/GEF project entiled: " Reversing Environmental Degradation in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand". More specifically this projects aims to establish an integrated management system for a total of 1,500 ha of the coastal and marine environment including seagrass and associated habitats, through ensuring a cross-sectoral and participatory approach to addressing the threats, and the root-causes of current and future habitat degradation. Through such an approach, this demonstration project aims at achieving the following: Ecosystem benefits: protection of seagrass and associated ecosystems; Benefits for fishes of and other marine animals of transboundary significance: conservation of spawning and nursery ground function for fishes and other marine animals of transboundary importance; and local benefits such as improved livelihood of the local population.