International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

LCB-NREE Lake Chad Basin Regional Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Efficiency (PROGRAM)

The goal of the program is to maintain the ecosystem services in the Lake Chad Basin by conserving the water and agro-sylvo ecosystems and ensuring the sustainability of use of resources in a context of energy efficiency and food security


Lake Chad , Chad , Lake Chad Basin

Africa , Middle Africa , Western Africa

General information
GEF ID 4680
Project type PFD
Status pipeline (Agency Concept)
Start Date 09 Sep 2011
End Date 29 Sep 2016
GEF characteristic:
Focal Area Multiple Focal Areas
GEF Allocation to project 20.72M US$
Total Cost of the project: 193.29M US$
Cameroon , Central African Republic , Chad , Niger , Nigeria

African Development Bank (AfDB), Tunisia

Project contacts
Nyasha Lawrence Nyagwambo GEF International Water Specialist
Amadou Bamba Diop Environmental Specialist