Eastern Europe
- Advancing transboundary co-operation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin through implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)
- Blueing the Black Sea (BBSEA)
- Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Blue Economy of the Mediterranean - (FishEBM MED)
- Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Black Sea - (FishEBM BS)
- Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program
- Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Dvina/Daugava Transboundary River Basin
- Implementation of the SAP of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System: Improving Groundwater Governance and Sustainability of Related Ecosystems
- Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration (DYNA)
- Fostering Multi-country Cooperation over Conjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in the Bug and Neman Transboundary River Basins and the Underlying Aquifer Systems
- Financing Advanced Environmental Technologies in the Mediterranean Sea Region for Water Systems and Clean Coasts (EnviTeCC)
- Mediterranean Coastal Zones Climate Resilience Water Security and Habitat Protection
- Promoting Accelerated Uptake of Environmental Technologies and Promotion of Best Practices for Improved Water, Chemicals, and Waste Management in the Black Sea Basin
- Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin
- Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Ural River Basin
- Save the Source: Catalyzing Market Transformation of Breweries from a Major Natural Resource Consuming Industry to a Pro-active Steward for Resource Efficient Cleaner Production
- Increasing Representation of Effectively Managed Marine Ecosystems in the Protected Area System
- ARCTIC GEF-Russian Federation Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management in the Arctic under a Rapidly Changing Climate (Arctic Agenda 2020)
- ARCTIC Integrated Adaptive Management of the West Bering Sea Large Marine Ecosystem in a Changing Climate
- The Caspian Sea: Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Consolidation of a Permanent Regional Environmental Governance Framework
- Joint Actions to Reduce PTS and Nutrients Pollution in Lake Baikal through Integrated Basin Management
- Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia
- Black Sea Environmental Management
Regional Organization Study: International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
The Influence of Physical and Chemical Processes on Contaminant Transport into and within the Arctic
Development of Operational Tools for Monitoring, Laboratory and Information Management - Objective 2
Development of Operational Tools for Monitoring, Laboratory and Information Management - Objective 3