International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Industrial Reform and the Development of Policies and Legislation Towards the Reduction of Nutrients and Dangerous Substances

This is the final report on “Industrial Reform and the Development of Policies and Legislation Towards the Reduction of Nutrients and Dangerous Substances” of the UNDP-GEF the Danube Regional Project (DRP), Phase 2 - Component 1.5: Industrial Reforms and Policies. It reviews policies and identify gaps between EU and existing and future legislation for industrial pollution control and enforcement mechanisms at the country level for 11 of the 13 countries of the Danube River Basin (DRB). The remaining two, Austria and Germany, were already EU Member States at the time the project was initiated.

1460: Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project

06 May 2010


Industrial Reform and the Development of Policies and Legislation Towards the Reduction of Nutrients and Dangerous Substances.pdf
