International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Final Report for Danube Regional Project Outputs 1.2 & 1.3

The overall aim of the Danube Regional Project (DRP) is to support the activities of the International Commission for Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in implementing a regional, basin-wide approach in 11 countries of the Danube River Basin (DRB) to solving the trans-boundary problems associated with the protection of the Danube River - including the sustainable management of surface and ground waters, the reduction of water pollution and the protection of water related ecosystems.

1460: Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project

06 May 2010


Final Report for Danube Regional Project Outputs 1.2 & 1.3.pdf
