International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Danube River Basin - Updated Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (2006)

This updated Transboundary Analysis (based largely on the findings of the 2005 Danube River Analysis) identified four key concerns that are a priority for the Danube River Basin and the impact of the Danube River on the Black Sea. • Nutrient Pollution – potentially leading to over enrichment by nutrients and eutrophic conditions. The main sources were identified as point emissions (both municipal wastewater and industrial discharges) and diffuse sources, predominately from agriculture. • Organic Pollution – potentially leading to low dissolved oxygen levels in the receiving water. The main sources were identified as inadequate wastewater treatment from municipalities and from diffuse sources. • Hazardous substances – potentially leading to environmentally toxic conditions. The main sources were identified as industrial (both active and from previous industrial sites) and accidental pollution from shipping or mining activities. • Hydromorphological Alterations – that have led to a loss of wetlands, impact on natural aquatic conditions and present migration barriers for fish. Hydromorphological alterations are the result of engineering works in rivers and lakes for navigation, hydropower generation, flood prevention, etc. The main focus of the GEF interventions in the Danube River Basin have been directed towards nutrient pollution and its reduction. This is reflected in the level of information on this specific topic in this updated Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis.

1460: Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project

13 May 2014


Danube River Basin - Updated Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (2006).pdf
