United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
The UN Office for Project Services - UNOPS - manages project resources to help developing nations and countries in transition in their quest for peace, social stability, economic growth and sustainable development.
- Advancing IWRM Across the Kura River Basin through Implementation of the Transboundary Agreed Actions and National Plans
- Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO), Contributing to the Improved Transboundary Water Governance in Africa
- Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Natural Resources Management in the Ural River Basin
- Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+)
- Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins
- ARCTIC Integrated Adaptive Management of the West Bering Sea Large Marine Ecosystem in a Changing Climate
- Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin
- Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme
- UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea LME Phase II Project
- Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem
- MENARID GEF IW:LEARN: Strengthening IW Portfolio Delivery and Impact
- CTI GEF IW: LEARN: Portfolio Learning in International Waters with a Focus on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands and Regional Asia/Pacific and Coral Triangle Learning Processes - under the Coral Triangle Initiative
- CTI Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SCS)
- CTI West Pacific-East Asia Oceanic Fisheries Management Project - under the Coral Triangle Initiative
- CTI Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Programme (ATSEA) - under the Coral Triangle Initiative
- Joint Actions to Reduce PTS and Nutrients Pollution in Lake Baikal through Integrated Basin Management
- Regional Dialogue and Twinning to Improve Transboundary Water Resources Governance in Africa
- Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation
- Accruing Multiple Global Benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management/ Water Use Efficiency Planning: A Demonstration Project for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS
- Development and Adoption of a Strategic Action Program for Balancing Water Uses and Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Orange-Senqu River Transboundary Basin
- Implementation of Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia
- Establishment of a Basin Management Framework for the Integrated Management for the Tisza Transboundary River Basin
- Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Tranche 2
- Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool for the Benguela Coastal Areas (DLIST-Benguela)
- Implementation of The Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution
- Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem, Tranche 2
- Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin, Phase 2
- Strengthening Global Capacity to Sustain Transboundary Waters: The International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN), Operational Phase
- Towards a Convention and Action Programme for the Protection of the Caspian Sea Environment (Phase II)
- Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem: Phase 1
- Programme for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems: Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
- Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin-Phase I Project
- Reducing Transboundary Degradation in the Kura-Aras Basin
- Addressing Land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB)
- Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area
- Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I
- Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions
- Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika
- Reducing Environmental Stress in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME)
- Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Toward Achievement of the Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME)
- Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem
- Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Heavily Contaminated Bays in the Wider Caribbean
- Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues in the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP)
- Strengthening Capacity for Global Knowledge-Sharing in International Waters (IW:LEARN)
- Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Tumen River Area, Its Coastal Regions and Related Northeast Asian Environs
- Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Dnieper River Basin and Development of SAP Implementation Mechanisms
- Black Sea Environmental Management
- Danube River Basin Environmental Management
- Black Sea Environmental Management (BSEP)
People | |
Martinus Van Der Knaap
Project Manager
Marion Antonette Abuel Daclan
Project Associate
Gunther Mau
UN Chief Technical Adviser
Benoit Bihamiriza
Regional Coordinator
Juan Larrabure
Division Chief
Gerardo Gold-Bouchot
Chief Technical Advisor
Lisa Gomer
Mohammed Bila
Information Technology & Scientific Officer
David Vousden
Project Director
Olumide Akinsola
Science and Information Officer
Philip Beetlestone
Project manager
Mary M. Matthews
Project Coordinator and Chief Technical Advisor
Laurent Ntahuga
Regional Project Coordinator
Saskia Marijnissen
Technical Advisor
Martin Johnston
Project Coordinator
G. Ivan Soto
Senior Project Officer
Gabriel Garcia
Office Manager
Wendy Guerra
Information Technology Specialist
Maria Elvira Talero
Stakeholder and Public Participation Expert
Maria Bolanos
Administrative Assistant
Nestor Windevoxhel
CLME Regional Project Coordinator
Nico E. Willemse
Senior Project Manager
Vira Profazi
Project Manager
Michael Akester
Regional Project Coordinator
Patrick Debels
Regional Project Coordinator
Alain Gashaka
ommunication and Outreach Officer
Margarita Zamudio
Administrative Assistant
Annadel Cabanban
Senior fisheries expert
Sergey Kudelya
Project manager
Katrin Lichtenberg
Portfolio Manager
Constance Masalila-Dodo
Scientific Officer
Christoph Mor
Senior Project manager
Celeus Ngowenubusa
National Project Coordinator
Patrick Weiler
Assistant Project Officer
Lenka Lazo
Finance and Administrative Assistant
Mariano Gutierrez Torero
IT Expert
Conor Phillips
Project Manager
Dmitry Popov
Project Administration and Logistics Officer
Angelika Quaye
Project/Web Assistant
Simonetta Siligato
Project Manager and Regional Coordinator
Kirk Bayabos
Head of Cluster
Taylor Henshaw
Uriel Heskia
Associate Portfolio Manager
Seth McNayr
Project Assistant
Daniel Nzyuko
Results and Knowledge Management Specialist
Laverne Wanler
Senior Project Officer
Yinfeng Guo
Project Manager and CTA
Virginie Hart
Senior Project Manager
John Knowles
Marine Monitoring Specialist
Sangjin Lee
Environmental Economist
Reynaldo Molina
Project Management Support Specialist