Portfolio Bulletin 2023 Fifth Edition (October/November 2023)
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Fifth Edition 2023
IW: LEARN Special |
Mussel aquaculture puts muscle into Mozambique’s economy GEF/UNDP/Nairobi Convention SAPPHIRE |
Saving sea turtles GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA ATSEA-2 |
Safeguarding Humboldt’s biodiversity together GEF/UNDP Humboldt-2 |
Empowering marine protected areas with finance and partnerships GEF/CI/MedPan Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean |
Latest update on the implementation of the Strategic Action Program in South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand GEF/UNEP/UNOPS SCSSAP |
FLOWING UNDERGROUND: Groundwater's potential in closing the water gap in the Nile Basin - a multimedia story GEF/UNDP/NBI Enhancing Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater Resources in Selected Transboundary Aquifers |
Signature INMS publication and documents coming soon GEF/UNEP INMS |
2023 IMO Biofouling Guidelines GEF/UNDP/IMO GloFouling Partnerships |
Marine Regions Forum 2023: Navigating ocean sustainability in the Western Indian Ocean and beyond |
JOIN the IW:LEARN GROUNDWATER I MARINE LinkedIn Groups for the latest updates on GEF IW projects and to engage with the GEF IW community. |
We are open for submissions! Please visit https://iwlearn.net/news/newsletter/guide-storysubmission for guidance on how to prepare and send a GEF IW: LEARN News story. |