Stories and news from GEF International Waters projects.
04 May 2021 | UNDP Global Marine Commodities Project
Global sustainable certification puts Indonesian fisheries on the map
The next time you consume tuna sashimi from the Indonesian waters, it might give you more peace of mind to know that your meals will not threaten the world’s tuna stocks.
12 Apr 2021 | UNDP Global Marine Commodities Project
After several years of work and coordination, the Ecuadorian Small Pelagic National Plan of Action (NPOA) and Management Plan (MP) were approved. The latter is the first national operational management instrument for a small-scale and industrial fishery under the new Organic Law for Fishing and Aquaculture Development of Ecuador (Art. 97).
06 Apr 2021 | UNDP Global Marine Commodities Project
Una acción colectiva por la pesca sostenible
Tras varios años de trabajo y concertación, se aprobó el Plan de Acción y Manejo de la Pesquería de Pelágicos Pequeños de Ecuador, el primer instrumento de manejo para una pesquería a escala industrial enmarcado en la nueva Ley Orgánica de Pesca y Acuacultura de Ecuador (Art. 97).
30 Sep 2020 | YSLMEP
Biodiversity: The Ocean’s Role
(News re-posted from SDGS UN website) Marine life, the world’s climate, our economy and social well-being depend on the existence of a healthy ocean. Although some improvements have been observed, recent assessments show that the Ocean continues to be exploited in an unsustainable manner. Climate change and competition for natural resources are adding further pressure on the marine environment....
25 Sep 2020 | UNDP Global Marine Commodities Project
Governance and sustainable global fisheries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
It was not long ago that we used this expression. However, the COVID-19 global pandemic has required us to rethink its meaning. The crisis has had profound impacts on the seafood sector, and on the livelihoods of industrial and small-scale fishers as a result. The food system has been disrupted all along the supply chain, from demand and supply to production. The pandemic has exposed the vulner...
10 Aug 2020 | YSLMEP
YSLME Information Series No.1 Now Published!
The UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) Phase II Project launches today the first of its Information Series showcasing recent studies and actions being undertaken to address key challenges in the Yellow Sea region. This Information Series tackles Plastic and Microplastics, one of the defining challenges that we face globally today. In particular, this Information Series discusses...
03 Jul 2020 | UNDP Global Marine Commodities Project
Building better blue swimming crab fisheries after the COVID-19 pandemic
At 3 a.m. every day, Nining and her husband, Abdul Haris, fill a bucket with fish from a drying rack. Soon after, Abdul loads the bucket on his two-tonne wooden boat and begins his day as a fisher. The fish are the bait for the blue swimming crab (BSC). The couple, based in the East Java town of Pamekasan are among the 90,000 fishers from across the country who specialize in catching the crab s...
01 Jul 2020 | YSLMEP
Scaling up of IMTA technology models in China
On March 30, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (MARA) issued a notification on implementation of ‘Five Major Actions for a Greener and Healthier Aquaculture” from 2020. The notification supports the overarching considerations put forward by PR China’s Central Committee and State Council to win the battle in preventing and controlling […]
The post Scaling up of I...
08 Jun 2020 | YSLMEP
Propelling Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Yellow Sea
Oceans and seas contribute approximately $3-6 trillion annually to the global economy in terms of the market value of goods and services including fisheries, energy, shipping, tourism, recreational, and mining sectors, as well as non-market ecosystem services such as climate regulation, nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. In the Yellow Sea, for instance, more than 200 […]
The post ...
21 May 2020 | YSLMEP
Putting Nature at the Center
As 2020 unfolds, the world begins to see that this is no ordinary year.
It has been 20 years since the world first celebrated the International Day of Biodiversity (IDB) – a day that appreciates the total variety of life on Earth and reviews our global commitments for its protection, conservation and sustainable use. This comes at an opportune time for everyone to rethink our ways to treat nat...
06 Apr 2020 | YSLMEP
A New Wetland Park in Yancheng City of China Gives Hope to the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Yancheng, PR China – 12,746 hectares of area in Tiaozini, Dongtai of Yancheng City were set as one of China’s new city wetland park in 2019. Tiaozini is considered as the most important staging site for the globally critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper with only 661-718 individuals remaining in the wild according to a study in […]
The post A New Wetland Park in Yancheng City of Ch...
07 Mar 2020 | YSLMEP
Asking for Comments: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem 2020
Transboundary diagnostic analysis (TDA) is a key step in strategic planning for science and ecosystem-based adaptive management of the large marine ecosystems (LMEs). TDA was for the first time conducted in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) in 2007, and provided the basis for developing the YSLME strategic action programme (SAP) in 2009.