Webinar III - Video
Climate change (CC) leads to increased climatic variability, which is manifest in extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. Threats to water availability, access and water hazards have diverse impacts on men and women. Among the adaptation measures to CC, migration is one of the strategies, and it can be seen either as a positive adaptive measure or an indicator of limits to adaptation to environmental stress, especially water pressure. In semi-arid zones for example, climatic extremes can exacerbate local conflicts between herders and farmers and trigger migratory processes. Migration (or internal displacements), is a gendered process mostly populated of young people, (60% of young migrants live in the Global South, UN, 2013). Environmental migrants move from water-scarce areas or areas affected by climatic extremes, and may transit or settle down in regions that have similar problems. The webinar sets the scene to the topic of environmental migration, presents an overview on water- induced migration from a gender perspective and triggers a discussion around this challenge. A panel of specialists approach the topic from different angles through a focus on vulnerable groups, and through case studies. After the Q&A session, the conclusions are presented as benchmark points to be addressed for resolving the most acute issues in the field of environmental migration.
- GEF IW:LEARN Gender Hub
- IW Webinar Series - Themes and Timeline
- Background Material to the Webinar Series
- Gender-Sensitive Water Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting
- Gender and Water Projects
- Best Practice from the GEF IW Portfolio
- Webinar I - Video
- Webinar II - Video
- Webinar III - Video
- Webinar IV - Video
- Webinar V - Video