Portfolio Bulletin 2023 Fourth Edition (August/September 2023)
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Fourth Edition 2023
Guardians of the Green GEF/UNDP/OET Sixaola River Basin IWRM |
LME22: Sailing the world’s oceans in three days GEF/UNDP/UNEP/IOC-UNESCO IW:LEARN |
Empowering seas: Scaling up rights-based fisheries management GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA ATSEA-2 |
Dr. Kenneth Sherman, co-founder of the LME concept, receives IOC/UNESCO prestigious N.K. Panikkar Memorial Medal |
Se Yämípä: Sowers of life GEF/UNDP/OET Sixaola River Basin IWRM |
How a salt-loving tree is helping to protect Mozambique from climate change GEF-UNEP/Nairobi Convention WIO-SAP |
Flowing forward Buzi, Pungwe, and Save Watercourses Commission (BUPUSACOM) |
Navigating sustainability: Nexus approach for Lebanon GEF/UNEP MedProgramme |
Strategy on Biofouling Management adopted in East Asian Seas region GEF/UNDP/IMO GloFouling Partnerships |
GEF IW:LEARN co-organized sessions at the World Water Week GEF/UNDP/UNEP/IOC-UNESCO |
Nature Driving Economic Transformation: Leveraging the Power of Biodiversity and Nature to Drive Equitable Economic Progress - SDG Action Weekend, Acceleration Day, High Impact Initiatives |
Ocean and Marine Biodiversity - SDG Media Zone I 78th Session of the UN General Assembly | Why water matters: accelerating progress on SDG 6 - SDG Media Zone I 78th Session of the UN General Assembly | ||
Multi-stakeholder Regional Dialogues: Key ingredients for success 4 October 2023, Online EVENT DETAILS |
(Global Workshop) Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater: National to Transboundary level 16-17 October 2023, Geneva and online EVENT DETAILS |
Back to basics: the GEF IW:LEARN Communications Platform 2 November 2023, Online EVENT DETAILS |
Marine Regions Forum 2023: Navigating ocean sustainability in the Western Indian Ocean and beyond 7-9 November 2023, Dar es Salam, conference EVENT DETAILS |
(Global Workshop) Development of Transboundary Water Cooperation Agreements or other Arrangements 7-8 November 2023, Budapest EVENT DETAILS |
Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) Scientific Symposium 20-22 November 2023, Bissau EVENT DETAILS |
(Global Workshop) Funding and financing transboundary water cooperation and basin development 5-6 December 2023, Geneva EVENT DETAILS |
Visit https://iwlearn.net to get the latest news and events. |