Coral reef management and restoration in Mu Koh Chang National Park - Thailand
Mu Koh Chang is located in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand or the west coast of the South China Sea, near the border between Thailand and Cambodia. There are over 50 Islands in the area which harbor approximately 16 km2 of coral reefs. The Thai Government has paid much attention to Mu Koh Chang and declared it as a special administrative zone for sustainable tourism development in 2002. An estimated 30% of the coral reefs are within the area of jurisdiction of Mu Koh Chang National Park which was established in 1982. Mu Koh Chang was selected as one of the demonstration sites for the coral reef subcomponent under the UNEP/GEF Project on Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)
Coral reef management and restoration in Mu Koh Chang National Park - Thailand.pdf