In the Fangchenggang Mangrove Demonstration Site, there are 15 species of mangrove, 10 true mangrove and 5 associate mangrove species. The mangrove forest covers an area of 1414.5 ha with the species Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum, and Avicennia marina being dominant. Nine formations and 17 communities of mangrove are found in the area, which supports 240 species of macrobenthos in 175 genera of 10 phyla. These include 37 species of polychaete in 32 genera; 104 species of mollusc in 41 genera; 19 species of benthic fishes in 17 genera; and 13 species of other marine creatures in 11 genera. The average density of these macrobenthos is 346 m-2, and the mean biomass is 225.68 gm-2. One hundred and forty five species of benthic algae have been recorded in the demonstration site, including varieties and new records. Ninety-four species of phytoplankton in 30 genera of 3 phyla were found during surveys in the preparatory phase; 68 species of zooplankton in 43 genera; and 71 species of fishes in 52 genera were also recorded. In addition, 187 species of birds in 42 families of 14 orders are also known from the area, suggesting that this site is an important habitat for birds. Vascular plants found in coastal area of the number 634 species whilst a Seagrass (Zostera japonica) bed occupies an area of 3 km2 in the vicinity of the mangroves.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)