International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Portfolio Bulletin 2023 Third Edition (June/July 2023)

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Third Edition 2023 

Tides are changing. This year’s celebration of UN World Oceans Day was marked with a strong call to put the ocean first. Global efforts to restore and protect the state of our ocean are intensifying with recent landmark gatherings and consensus on biodiversity, plastics, and the high seas. And on 26 June, the GEF Council announced the approval of $1.4 billion disbursement to accelerate response to major global environmental crises. This financial package includes support to improved regional ocean governance. 

This edition of the GEF IW Portfolio Bulletin is dedicated to our ocean and about giving it the survival boost it deserves, for our planet and our survival. Happy reading!

"Be a friend to the ocean"
GEF Coastal Fisheries Initiative

A fighting chance for the ocean

Gender equality in the fishing sector

Collaboration key to nurturing the resilience of the oceans we share

Nitrogen – Friend and Foe
GEF/UNEP Towards International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) 

Connecting the dots between wastewater and the ocean

Integrating Ocean Accounting in the Western Indian Ocean
GEF/UNDP/Nairobi Convention SAPPHIRE

Sargassum: Golden rainforest or nuisance?
GEF/UNDP/IOC/SSC Strengthening the Stewardship of the Sargasso Sea

Strategic action in South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand in full swing

Enhancing coastal zone management in Montenegro
GEF/UNEP The MedProgramme

FAO, ADB, CAF, EBRD and IOC/UNESCO to lead $115 million Clean and Healthy Oceans Integrated Program (IP)

Second Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution

PLASTICS 101: A quick guide to the global plastics negotiations
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