The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (
Documents |
Filter: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management |
22 Apr 2021
- report
- project: 4580
- English
Not a drop in the ocean: Key successes of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program This report presents the results obtained by the Common Oceans ABNJ Program between 2014-2019. It highlights the value, importance and benefits of sustainably managing fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ, and how the collateral imp... |
10 Aug 2020
- experience-notes
- project: 5542
- English
Engaging stakeholders in crafting a CLME+ Civil Society Action Programme and a sub-regional fishery management plan for Eastern Caribbean flyingfish There are various initiatives, activities and programmes that have been put in place to aid with the implementation of the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP). This experience note highlights the best practices and lessons learned from efforts ... |
29 Jun 2020
- publication
- project: 790
- English
[LME:LEARN Policy Brief] Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management: Managing fisheries and ecosystem interactions for social, economic and environmental benefits The majority of the world’s fisheries are over exploited with the ecosystems that sustain them becoming increasingly degraded. Maintaining productive and sustainable fisheries is essential to feeding the planet’s growing population while also supp... |
29 Jun 2020
- English
[LME:LEARN Policy Brief] Fisheries Refugia: Spatially-managed fisheries enhancement and environmental protection at a regional level A Fisheries Refugia approach is a regional system of management areas that is focused on essential links between fish stocks and their habitats. It is designed to manage intense levels of small-scale fishing pressures that exert unsustainable pres... |
06 Nov 2019
- project-document
- project: 5401
- English
Project Document - South China Sea Fisheries Refugia Establishment |
23 Aug 2019
- experience-notes
- project: 4581
- English
[ABNJ Tuna and Biodiversity] Mainstreaming the Management and Conservation of Sharks and Bycatch in Pacific High Seas Tuna Fisheries [Experience Note] The world's tuna fleet, comprising thousands of vessels from over 85 countries landing catches valued at >10 billion USD annually, is a critical global food source. But these fisheries are a major cause of mortality for some populations of seabird... |
21 Feb 2019
- presentation
- English
[GEF IWC9 Presentation] Investing in Grenada’s Yellowfin Tuna Exports Presentation by Neel Imadar of Wildnerness Markets (part of the GEF FAO Carribean Billfish project) this was a pitch (project proposal) during the IWC9 Shark Tank at the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference |
14 Feb 2019
- presentation
- project: 4746
- English
[IWC9 Pecha Kucha] - Sharing the Experience and Ongoing Learning and Adaptation - The Forum Fisheries Agency Members Experience in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Pecha kucha presentation at the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference on the Pacific Oceanic Fisheries Management Project given by Hugh Walton of the Forum Fisheries Agency. |
06 Feb 2019
- maps-graphics
- project: 5401
- English
[GEF IWC9 Poster] - Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand Poster exhibited at the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference. |
06 Feb 2019
- maps-graphics
- project: 5393
- English
[GEF IWC9 Poster] - EAS Sustainable Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the West Pacific and East Asian Seas Poster exhibited at the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference. |
22 Jan 2019
- report
- English
Day 3 - Clinic Carousel Round 1: How can my fisheries project help deliver more fish in the ocean, more food on the plate, and more prosperity for coastal communities? (Fitzgerald & Rife, Marrakesh 2018) Summary of the session at the 9th GEF International Waters Conference held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 5-8 November 2018. Coordinated by Tim Fitzgerald and Alexis Rife, Environmental Defense Fund. |
19 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 5: Report on the Regional Seas Programme (Vanderbeck, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Isabelle Vanderbeck, UN Environment. |
19 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 5: Cape Town Meeting Outcomes (Trumbic, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Ivica Trumbic, GEF LME:LEARN. |
19 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 5: Regional Ocean Governance Platform - draft proposal (Trumbic, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Ivica Trumbic, GEF LME:LEARN |
16 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 1: Objectives and structure of the LME20 Annual Consultative Meeting (Trumbic, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Ivica Trumbic, GEF LME:LEARN. |
16 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 1: Introduction: The origins and evolution of the LME Consultative Meeting over the past twenty years (Cyr, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Ned Cyr, NOAA. |
16 Nov 2018
- presentation
- English
Session 1: CFI-LAC (Alvarez, Marrakesh 2018) Presentation at the 20th Annual LME Consultative Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 3-4 November 2018. Jose Alvarez, CFI-LAC. |
18 Sep 2018
- publication
- English
A decade of implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries for Southern African fisheries (2015) This is the third publication produced by WWF describing the progress made towards implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region over the last decade. This publication builds on... |
14 Sep 2018
- publication
- English
Integrated ecological–economic fisheries models—Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation (2018) Marine ecosystems evolve under many interconnected and area- specific pressures. To fulfil society’s intensifying and diversifying needs while ensuring ecologically sustainable development, more effective marine spatial ... |
03 Sep 2018
- publication
- English
Ecology: Ecosystem-based fishery management (2004) Many of the world’s fish populations are overexploited, and the ecosys- tems that sustain them are degraded (1). Unintended consequences of fishing, in- cluding habitat destruction, incidental mor- tality of nontarget species, evolutionary shifts ... |