International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Stibrawpa Association - Restoration and rescue of the Bribri culture in Yorkín

06 Feb 2024

The Stibrawpa Association has been committed for more than 20 years to the conservation of its community of Yorkín in the Bribri Indigenous Territory; the defense of the Bribri culture; education; and prosperity for their families in harmony with nature. Bernarda Morales, president and co-founder of Stibrawpa, talks about the beginning of the organization, its objectives, the rescue of Bribri culture, and the promotion of sustainable tourism, which teaches a healthier relationship with nature and brings health to the people.

Bernarda Morales, the president and co-founder of Stibrawpa. Photo Credit: Proyecto Conectando Comunidades y Ecosistemas OET-GEF-PNUD

About the project

Towards the Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) of the Sixaola River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama is a GEF project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by the Organization for Tropical Studies (OET) of Costa Rica.

Divulgated in communication actions as Proyecto Conectando Comunidades y Ecosistemas (traduced from Spanish as Connecting Communities and Ecosystems), it works with communities and institutions of Costa Rica and Panama to: Strengthen coordinated transboundary action; Set the conditions to achieve real water management; Restore river ecosystems; Reduce risks of disasters by flooding; and Collaborate in the reduction of the excessive agrochemicals use in banana and plantain crops.

For more information, please contact Manuel Sancho Gutiérrez, (, and visit the project page on