Agenda, presentations and report
Download: Summary Report for LME17
1 Welcome / Introductory session
- Vladimir Ryabinin/Julian Barbière, UNESCO-IOC
- Andrew Hudson/Vladimir Mamaev, UNDP
- Christian H. Severin / Leah Karrer, GEF
- Ned Cyr /Kenneth Sherman, NOAA
- Wojciech Wawrzyński/Adi Kellerman, ICES
- James Oliver, IUCN
2-Governance in LMEs
2a. Building long-term governance and sustainability
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Rebecca Shuford, NOAA
- Key governance considerations for LMEs - Robin Mahon, CERMES
- The Mediterranean LME: The Barcelona Convention and the MedPartnership Project - Lorenzo Galbiati, Med Partnership
- Factors contributing to longterm ocean governance in the BCLME region - Hashali Hamukuaya, Benguela Current LME
- The Western Tropical Pacific Warm Pool LME – Status, Benefits and Challenges in the context of the Future of Fisheries - Hugh Walton, FFA
2b. Examples of use of MPAs, ICM, MSP as tools and approaches for governance in LMEs
- MPAs as a valuable tool for governance in LMEs: Global status and trends in MPA application and the Promise of Sydney - James Oliver, IUCN
- Experiences in Scaling up ICM for Sustainable Development of the Seas of East Asia - Adrian Ross, PEMSEA
- Enabling Sustainable Development and Management of Ecosystems - Marc Wilson, SOPAC
- CLME+ and the Caribbean Challenge Initiative - Patrick Debels, Caribbean LME
- Legal reforms relating ICAM/MSP within LMEs - Michael Akester, Humboldt Current LME
3 Regional LME Caucuses and Working Groups (Africa, Asia, Latin America & Caribbean)
4 Regional Caucuses Reporting and General Discussion
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Ken Sherman, NOAA
- Regional caucuses’ reporting (Africa, Asia, Latin America & Caribbean)
- Reporting of the ICES WGLMEBP - Hein Rune Skjoldal and Rudolf Hermes, Chairs of the ICES WGLMEBP
- Analysis of Regional Ocean Governance - Julien Rochette, IDDRI
5 LME Data and Information needs
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Julian Barbière, IOC-UNESCO
- Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme: Global comparative assessment of LMEs - Sherry Heileman, IOC-UNESCO / Consultant
- Socioeconomics & Patterns of Risk in LMEs, Liana McManus, IOC-UNESCO / Consultant
- Institutionalization of transboundary indicators - Patrick Debels, CLME
- International collaboration in oceanographic data and information exchange: IODE - Peter Pissierssens, IOCUNESCO/IODE
- Examples of EBM indicators approach in the Southeast Pacific - Fernando Félix, CPPS
- EAF-Nansen and Blue Bridge projects - Gabriella Bianchi, FAO
6 Socio-economic aspects of LMEs
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Andrew Hudson, UNDP
- Moving towards a Blue Economy – the Seychelles Experience - Didier Dogley, Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change of Seychelles
- Restoring the world’s LMEs: A vehicle for job creation? - Andrew Hudson, UNDP Water & Ocean Programme
- Economic valuation of ecosystem services in LMEs, purpose, methods and the GCLME experience applying the benefit transfer approach - Christian Susan, UNIDO
- Valuation of marine ecosystem goods and services in the Caribbean Sea/N. Brazil Shelf LME - Patrick Debels, Caribbean LME
- Recent progress in fisheries certification in the Humboldt Current LME - Michael Akester, Humboldt Current LME
7 Integrated Climate Change and variability in LMEs
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Ned Cyr, NOAA
- Ocean Acidification - Connecting scientists to transfer knowledge at local, regional, global levels - Kirsten Isensee, IOC-UNESCO
- Regional Climate Change Adaptation Framework for the Mediterranean Sea - Lorenzo Galbiati, Med Partnership
- Climate change and the living marine resources of the CCLME - Birane Sambe, Canary Current LME
- How the BOBLME SAP responds to Climate Change effects in the Bay of Bengal - Rudy Hermes, Bay of Bengal LMEs
- Climate Change in the Gulf of Mexico LME
8 Emerging issues in ocean health
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session Leah Karrer, GEF
- Addressing the marine litter challenge through the Global Partnership on Marine Litter - Heidi Savelli, UNEP
- The challenges of addressing marine debris in the Humboldt Current LME - Michael Akester, Humboldt Current LME
- Key international approaches to combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing - Mathew Camilleri, FAO
- IUU Fishing: the challenges and solutions in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape - Marco Quesada, Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape
- Problems and some proposals of subregional measures to combat IUU fishing in the Canary Current LME - Birane Sambe, Canary Current LME
9a LME:Learn & Capacity Development
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Wojciech Wawrzyński, ICES
- ICES training actions and the LME-LEARN twinning plans - Wojciech Wawrzyński , ICES
- IOC training actions in the LME:Learn context - Peter Pissierssens, IOC/IODE
- OceanTeacher Global Academy - Lucy Scott, Agulhas-Somali LME, OTGA SG
- MOOC - Kenneth Sherman, NOAA
- IW:Learn past and future plans - Mish Hamid, IW:Learn
- Online tools/the learning portal of the Globallast programme - Antoine Blonce, IMO
9b LME:Learn & Stakeholders and communication
- Objectives and expected outcomes of the session - Mish Hamid, IW:Learn
- Private / Public partnerships - David Vousden, Agulhas-Somali LME
- Planned regional and global conferences - Kenneth Sherman, NOAA
- Best practices in development of knowledge products - Marc Wilson, Pacific IWRM
- Knowledge management to foster replication - Adrian Ross, PEMSEA
10-Conclusions and next steps
The individual presentations and related documents are also available at