Marine Pod

In order to carry out proper regional governance of Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) regions, coordination between the LMEs and projects focused on Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas and Integrated Coastal Management is essential. This page showcases projects not financed by the GEF and are under implementation within the worlds Large Marine Ecosystems. These projects are also members of the three Regional Networks established to enhance regional interactions and harmonization of marine projects.

SEA Knowledge Bank
The Seas of East Asia (SEA) Knowledge Bank serves as a knowledge platform for policymakers, planners, managers, investors and other stakeholders to scale up Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and investment in sustainable development of coasts and oceans across East Asia.
Blue Solutions' Marine and Coastal Solutions
Blue Solutions' global platform PANORAMA hosts capacity development materials and solutions for key topics such as ecosystem-based management through marine spatial planning, enhanced marine protected area governance, ecosystem service valuation, ecosystem-based adaptation and sustainable financing.
MARISMA of the Benguela Current LME
The Marine Spatial Management & Governance Programme (MARISMA) promotes sustainable use in the Benguela Current, centers on the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), a process that guides when and where human activities occur in the ocean, reveals spatial conflicts and synergies between uses in the ocean.
A marine conservation organization with emphasis on multi-sectoral, community participation, MarViva has Marine spatial planning (MSP) as one of its core programmes. They use a methodology promoting MSP processes with low technological inputs allowing countries to initiate multisector planning.
STRONG High Seas Project
With focus on the Southeast Atlantic and Southeast Pacific regions, the STRONG High Seas project supports the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity, and coordinated development of integrated and ecosystem-based management approaches in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ).
West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA)
The WACA program supports West African countries’ efforts in improving the management of shared coastal resources and reducing the natural and man-made risks affecting coastal communities. It boosts transfer of knowledge, fosters political dialogue, and mobilizes public and private finance.
West Indian Ocean Governance & Exchange Network (WIOGEN)
WIOGEN is a scientific networking platform which focuses on ocean and coastal governance. The partnership project comprises a transdisciplinary institutionally driven coalition of academic, policy-related, private and civil society partner institutions across the West Indian Ocean Region.
The Mami Wata Project
The Mami Wata project works in and with African countries to further develop capacities for Integrated Ocean Management. The project applies tools and strategies to improve conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems, biodiversity in countries along the African Atlantic coast.