Global Forum Newsletter Vol 3. No. 1
In this issue of the Global Forum newsletter, we first focus on the results of the International Meeting to Review Progress on the Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (MIM) held in Port-Louis, Mauritius on January 10-14, 2005, including the highlights, the outcomes, and some viewpoints about the conference. The statements delivered by the Secretary-General and the President of the meeting set the tone for the conference, which is one of sobriety and purpose, reflecting the tragic context of the recent tsunami disaster in which the meeting has taken place and the urgency of moving on in the face of such crisis and other pressing issues faced by SIDS. The outcomes of the meeting, particularly the Mauritius Strategy, reiterated that the Barbados Programme of Action remains the blueprint for SIDS and the international community to address national and regional sustainable development in SIDS, and specified requirements for more effective implementation.
Global Forum Newsletter Vol 3. No. 1.pdf