Hydrological Modelling for Integrated Water Resources Management
Hydrological Modelling was a component within the capacity building module for water managers across sectors and also embedded in the water supply and demand management building block of the Kura II Project. The goal was to introduce state-of-the-art hydrological modelling approaches as well as to assess water resources by means of modelling techniques. The use of hydrological models is not common in both countries. First experiences were gained in Georgia due to international pilot projects covering the Rioni River. Modelling in Azerbaijan gains gradually ground at universities. In essence, modelling has not yet become a standard neither in Georgia nor in Azerbaijan. Hydrological modelling has truly a high potential for replication because it rests on generic principles that are applicable to all watersheds. Thus, hydrological modelling is relevant for all fields of work with respect to water resources management. The replication in the countries will depend on the number of qualified modellers and their access to software and data, which links the success of modelling to the effort of managing hydrological observations efficiently so that data retrieval for modellers is enabled and feasible.
Hydrological Modelling for Integrated Water Resources Management.pdf