
[MedPartnership] Vulnerability mapping: Karst aquifers in Croatia [Experience Note]

Karst aquifers are an important source of groundwater worldwide. They are particularly vulnerable to pollution and there is a need to increase knowledge and raise awareness about the link between landbased activities and the quality of groundwater in these aquifers. In many cases, discharges from karst aquifers introduce significant volumes of freshwater to the marine environment. Two case studies were undertaken in Croatia to assess and map the vulnerability of karst aquifers in coastal areas. The first of these case studies (Pula coastal aquifer) tested four commonly-used methodologies for assessing aquifer vulnerability to determine which was best suited to karst aquifers. The second case study (Novljanska Zrnovnica karstic spring catchment area) built on the experience of existing methodologies for aquifer vulnerability assessment and developed a new methodology specifically adapted to the karst environment. The results of these case studies provide practical examples to groundwater managers in other karstic regions (in the Mediterranean and beyond) that are seeking guidance on evaluating vulnerability of karst aquifers to pollution from land-based activities.

2600: Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem--Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas

18 Apr 2019

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[MedPartnership] Vulnerability mapping: Karst aquifers in Croatia [Experience Note].pdf