International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Portfolio Bulletin 2024 June Edition

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                                                               June 2024 

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the GEF International Waters Bulletin! 

June was a significant month for ocean conservation. We celebrated World Ocean Day on June 8 and hosted the LME23 meeting from June 3 to 5. This bulletin edition features the impacts of GEF IW projects on marine conservation. Discover significant accomplishments, opportunities, and upcoming events relevant to the GEF International Waters community.

Integrated approach to marine biodiversity conservation
GEF/UNDP/WWF Sustainable Pacific

Safeguarding the seas
GEF/FAO/UNEP/GFCM/Barcelona Convention FishEBM MED

Fisheries management in Papua New Guinea

The Role of Cuban Women in Environmental Projects

Plantain without pesticides in Panamá
GEF/UNDP/OET IWRM of the Sixaola River Basin

Restoring harmony
GEF/IUCN IWRM Mano River Union

Science-powered solutions for the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand


Sargasso Sea Commission forefronts science-led policy change

New initiative to strengthen sustainable blue economy in the Caribbean 

GEF/UNEP/CBF Caribbean BluEFin

WEFE Nexus approach for the Mediterranean Coastal Zone

Highlights of the Data and Information Management (DIM) Hybrid Workshop


Niue Ocean conservation commitments win 2024 world changing ideas award
GEF/CI Blue Nature Alliance
                                    More news of the GEF IW projects here 

The 23rd Large Marine Ecosystems (LME23) and Coastal Partners Annual Consultative Meeting, held from June 3-5 2024, 2024, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, FRANCE, brought together around 760 leading experts in marine science, coastal management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation. Read more

10th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference IWC10, 23-26 September 2024, Punta del Este - Uruguay.

 GEF IW Project Annual Report  

 2023 ATSEA Annual Report

GEF Video 

SIDS and the GEF: Three Decades of Environmental Leadership and Innovation


State of the Ocean Report

MedOpen Training Course
Professional opportunities 
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