International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Portfolio Bulletin 2024 July Edition

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                                                  July 2024 

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the GEF International Waters Bulletin! 

Join us as we celebrate the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem and explore the captivating stories shared by the GEF International Waters projects worldwide. Find out about important updates, achievements, opportunities, and upcoming events that are beneficial for the GEF International Waters community.

Trinidad and Tobago’s Role in GEF CReW+                 
GEF/IDB/UNEP CReW+                             

How marine sanctuaries are helping to save an iconic Thai crab
GEF/UNEP/SEAFDEC Fisheries Refugia

Costa Rica and Panama endorse action plan for the Binational Sixaola River Basin
GEF/UNDP/OET IWRM of the Sixaola River Basin

Strengthening the resilience of Central Asia Countries to Climate Change
GEF/UNDP/UNESCO/IHP  Cryosphere Project

ASEAN member states and partners discuss efforts on IRBM

Leveraging synergies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Lebanon
                                   More news of the GEF IW projects here 
International Day for the Conservation of the
Mangrove Ecosystem

Mangrove protection and community empowerment in Indonesia

10th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference IWC10, 23-26 September 2024, Punta del Este - Uruguay.

 GEF IW Project Newsletter 

IRBM Project newsletter

 GEF News 

The GEF approves first funding related to BBNJ Agreement

Professional opportunities 

The African Ministers’ Council on Water is inviting to submit stories for the 3rd edition of AVOW. Share your story now!

Visit for the latest information on GEF IW:LEARN, upcoming events, and the latest news from the GEF IW portfolio. 
We are open for submissions! Please visit for guidance on how to prepare and send a GEF IW:LEARN News story.