International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The GEF IW Project Management and TDA-SAP Online Courses are here!

06 Nov 2020 | by
We are very happy to announce that we have developed and launched two new, self-paced online courses for project managers in the GEF IW Community and their teams, which are hosted on the Cap-Net Virtual Campus:

GEF IW:LEARN International Waters Project Management Course

The course is intended to be a primer for new GEF International Waters project staff and key stakeholders (implementing and executing agency staff, government officials and civil society partners) to understand the processes and approaches used in GEF IW projects. 

For more information and details on how to access the course, please click here.

GEF IW:LEARN Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis-Strategic Action Programme Course

The overall goal of the TDA/SAP online course is to highlight the main steps in developing a TDA and SAP and should be used in conjunction and with frequent reference to the GEF IW:LEARN TDA/SAP Manual

The course is intended for all GEF International Waters project staff and others (consultants, national experts, civil society, private sector, government representatives, etc.) who will be involved in the development of the TDA and SAP to ensure there is a common understanding of the steps, terminology and where additional information can be found.  

For more information and details on how to access the course, please click here.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at