Explore New Insights with ATSEA's Latest Scientific Publications
1. ATSEA: A Regional Collaboration to Address Transboundary Threats to Ecosystems for Human Well-Being in the Arafura and Timor Seas

This publication explores the collaborative efforts among Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and Australia to address transboundary environmental challenges in the Arafura and Timor Seas. It emphasises the importance of regional cooperation for managing marine resources and tackling issues like overfishing, pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change.
2. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems of the Arafura and Timor Seas – Characterization, Key Features, and Ecological Significance

This paper characterises the diverse coastal and marine ecosystems of the ATS, located on the edge of the Coral Triangle. It underscores the region's importance as a biodiversity hotspot, highlighting its critical role in global ocean circulation, climate regulation, and providing vital habitats for marine megafauna.
3. Toward Sustainable Fishing Practices in Indonesia: Defining a Catch Quota Allocation for Saddletail Snapper (Lutjanus Malabaricus) in the Arafura Sea

This study proposes a sustainable approach to managing the Saddletail Snapper fishery in the Arafura Sea. By defining catch quotas based on biological assessments, aims to prevent overfishing and ensure the long-term viability of this species, crucial for local communities and the global market.
4. Tougher Evidence-Based Policy Does Matter: Deterring Illegal Fishing in the Arafura and Timor Sea

This publication examines the success of evidence-based policies in reducing illegal fishing in the ATS. It underscores the role of strategic interventions and continuous policy evaluation in ensuring the sustainability of marine resources and the effectiveness of law enforcement.
5. Transboundary Environmental Harm and the Increasing Risk of Oil Spills and Marine Debris in the Semi-Enclosed Arafura and Timor Seas Region

This paper addresses growing environmental risks in the ATS, particularly oil spills and marine debris. It highlights the need for enhanced regional cooperation, identifying pollution hotspots and recommending improved oil spill response and marine debris management.
6. A Resilient Marine Protected Area Network Design: A First for the Arafura Timor Seas

This publication presents the first resilient MPA network for the ATS region, including 93 existing and proposed MPAs. The network addresses transboundary issues such as connectivity, overfishing, and climate change, aiming to protect critical habitats and support marine sustainability.
These publications are now available online. Explore the full studies and contribute to the ongoing conversation on marine conservation in the ATS region. The publications are accessible via https://bit.ly/6publications-ATSEA
About the project
ATSEA-2 is the second phase of the Arafura & Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) program, a regional partnership involving the governments of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Papua New Guinea supported by the Australian Government. Its objective is to collectively manage high marine and fisheries resources in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) region. Since its inception in 2019, the program has been working to promote sustainable development in the ATS region and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants through a combination of restoration, conservation, and sustainable management of marine-coastal ecosystems.
The ATSEA-2 Project is committed to safeguarding the livelihoods and prosperity of coastal people in the ATS region, particularly in transboundary areas, through the implementation of sustainable integrated concepts.
ATSEA-2 is a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded program, managed and executed under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Resource Facility (PRF) is an implementing partner.
For more information on the ATSEA-2 Project, please contact the Regional Project Manager, Handoko Adi Susanto (hasusanto@pemsea.org), or visit the project page on iwlearn.net or the project website.