Mr. Yinfeng Guo on implementing the SAP in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem
4343 - UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea LME Phase II Project
02 Jan 2019
Yellow Sea (LME)
Large Marine Ecosystem
Strategic Action Programme
In this video, Mr Yinfeng Guo, Chief Technical Advisor, YSLME elaborates on the implementation of strategic action program to restore ecosystem goods and services in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem. This video forms part of the content of Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management - an open online course on Coursera, developed by the University of Cape Town with the support of the UNESCO-IOC and in partnership with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The course was created out of a global collaboration with the GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network (IW:LEARN).