International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The Yellow Sea – A Sea of Co-operation, Peace, and Prosperity

790 - Reducing Environmental Stress in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME)

25 Oct 2013

The video highlights Project’s major activities and achievements of scientific research, policy development, and public awareness campaigns. The video describes the SAP as one of the major outputs, explaining its innovative ecosystem-based approach compared to the traditional sector approach. It is expected that audiences, watching the video, will understand the importance of the Yellow Sea to their lives, the environmental problems threatening the marine and coastal ecosystems, and the actions taken by littoral countries—China and Republic of Korea (ROK)—under the Project. It is hoped that the video will motivate people to think and act for conservation, soliciting public support for the Project in addressing transboundary international water issues in the region. A number of partners and organisations have contributed to producing the video. These include the Anyang University, the Liaoning Ocean and Fisheries Science Research Institute, and the WWF. The video is produced in association with the China Ocean News. The video is available on the Project’s website at For a copy of the DVD, please contact the Project Management Office at