IW:LEARN Regional ICT Workshop for Asia Photos
Photos taken 17-20 March 2014 at the Asian Development Bank, Manila.
(Manila March 2014) IW:LEARN ICT Workshop Opening Remarks-In the photo: Mish Hamid, IW:LEARN3 Project Manager; Marilou Drilon, Asian Development Bank Senior Natural Resource Economist; Khristine Custodio, IW:LEARN3 ICT Component Manager; and Mark Tupas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines.
(Manila March 2014) Knowledge Hub at the ADB-

(Manila March 2014) Maning Samabale sharing the OSM activism in the Philippines-Maning Sambale provided the participants an overview and hands on exercises on the use of OpenStreetMap.

(Manila March 2014) Deputy Program Director Arnel de Mesa shares PRDP's Geotagging tool-Dir De Mesa shares to the goup the innovative tool based on open source technology they have develop to enhance transparency and effective monitoring of projects under the Philippine Rural Development Program.
(Manila March 2014) Lighting Talks breakout session-
(Manila March 2014) Participants testing out the Open Data Kit's live data collection and reporting features-
(Manila March 2014) Participants from Mombasa, Sabah and Phuket-
(Manila March 2014) Small group photo after ODK activity-
(Manila March 2014) Sergey Kudelya from the Lake Baikal Project with trainor Bishwa Pandey from the World Bank-
(Manila March 2014) Elijah Munyao from the UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment-
(Manila March 2014) Dr. Melckzedeck Osore from the Kenya Coastal Development Project-
(Manila March 2014) Morton Saulo from the Kenya Coastal Development Project-
(Manila March 2014) Siriporn Pangsorn from the GEF/SEAFDEC/FAO REBYC-II CTI Project-
(Manila March 2014) Namfon Imsamrarn from the GEF/SEAFDEC/FAO REBYC-II CTI Project-
(Manila March 2014) Nishan Sugathadasa from the Bay of Bengal LME Project-
(Manila March 2014) Angelo Jose Lumba from the CTI SEA Project (Philippines)-
(Manila March 2014) Rizki Andhitya Yunanto from the CTI SEA Project (Indonesia)-
(Manila March 2014) Dr. Ejriah Saleh from the CTI SEA Project (Malaysia)-
(Manila March 2014) Tomi Supratomo from the CTI SEA Project (Indonesia)-
(Manila March 2014) Dr. Christine Casal from the CTI SEA Project-
(Manila March 2014) Dana Rose Salonoy from the CTI SEA Project-
(Manila March 2014) Raul Roldan from the CTI SEA Project-
(Manila March 2014) Vedran Furtula from the DIKTAS Project-
(Manila March 2014) Welcome dinner -
(Manila March 2014) Welcome dinner-