Inter-project Collaboration Opportunity Grants

Inter-project Collaboration Opportunities (ICO) are seed funding grants for GEF marine and coastal projects to collaborate with each other, non-GEF projects and/or Regional Bodies that are active in the LME:LEARN Regional Networks. The grant serves to promote linkages and enhance coordination/collaboration across focal areas (LME, MPA, MSP and ICM). The funding allows them to team up and address common/transboundary issues, maximize resources and human capacity, and/or facilitate networking.

We fund proposals that:

  • Demonstrate how the ICO is assisting in creating conditions for lasting relations;
  • Demonstrate collaborations where more than two exchanges will occur;
  • Demonstrate collaborations between two of the four focal areas (LME, MPA, MSP and ICM);

Example collaborations include:

  • A GEF funded MPA project applying to collaborate with a GEF funded ICM project and an LME project. 
  • LME with a River Basin.
  • GEF funded marine and coastal project with non-GEF projects (Seascapes, transboundary basins, regional seas bodies).
  • Regional/global actors together with GEF marine and coastal projects.

For further information about the ICO criteria, you may download the ICO Information document.

Projects and entities that were awarded the grant were requested to submit an ICO Note which is a three-to-six page template to capture the results of a collaboration in terms of knowledge generated and specific guidance to the wider portfolio.