Coastal Hazard and Risk Mitigation: Taking an integrated approach to protect people and places
Forty percent of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the coastline (UN 2017) and the trend of population migration to urban coastal areas is increasing. Living in this region brings its own set of hazards and mitigating the risk of impact from these hazards requires a dynamic and multisectoral approach. Such an approach must plan for future population growth and encourage preparedness for disasters. Preparedness and investment are
key to mitigating the risks and a coordinated and planned investment provides benefits for both short-term damage and long-term development efforts, including one that considers prevention and awareness of disasters builds resilience in the coastal communities and environment.
Special thanks goes to Andrew Dansie (UNSW Global Water Institute) who developed this policy brief on behalf of GEF LME:LEARN.
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- GEF LME:LEARN, 2020. Coastal Hazard and Risk Mitigation:Taking an integrated approach to protect people and places. Paris, France.