2.1 - Summary
This is the second of five Sections that makes up the online GEF Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/Strategic Action Programme (TDA/SAP) Manual. It presents an introduction to International Waters and the TDA/SAP process. It describes what International Waters are and why are they important, and why the GEF is interested in them. It then outlines the TDA/SAP process as a tool for IW management, presents a brief history of the TDA/SAP process, gives examples of TDA/SAP processes in action and finally describes the current GEF approved version of the TDA/SAP process.
The three following Sections delve deeper into the TDA/SAP Process. Section 3 and 4 present ‘How to’ Guides for TDA and SAP development – using a simple, non prescriptive stepwise approach that many projects have followed over the last 10 years, including references and links to best practices and experiences from a wealth of completed and on-going projects. Section 5 focuses in on planning the TDA/SAP Process. In particular, it looks at the key steps in managing the TDA and the SAP and meeting/workshop design to ensure the TDA and the SAP processes are as collaborative as possible.