International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

4.16 - Mid-Term and Terminal Evaluations

All GEF IW projects will undergo Mid-Term and/or Terminal Evaluations. These will be organised by the GEF Agency in discussions with the Executing Agency, but it is expected that there are elements that will inevitably need to be addressed by the Project Management Unit. Issues for consideration by Project teams when organising MTE or TE include:

  • Briefing stakeholders that the evaluation will take place, when and what they can be expected to be asked. This is not to tell them what to say but to prepare them for the possible discussions.
  • Identifying all project outputs. It maybe beneficial to prepare a separate part of the project website where the evaluator can find everything in one place: including: ToRs, technical reports, minutes of PSCs, PIRs, quarterly reports, guidance documents, budgets, stakeholder surveys, press releases, etc
  • Start planning the ‘mission’ – who (and why) the evaluator should meet – a selection of stakeholders – government representatives, private sector, NGOs, other donors, consultants, IA(s), EA(s), GEF OFPs, etc.
  • Mission  route – it is helpful to give the evaluator an indicative possible timetable and mission plan
  • Contact names and email/phone numbers of stakeholders
  • Making sure the project website is up to-date.
  • Review the project logframe. Were mid-term targets set? Are indicators SMART (if not why haven’t you done this?); Budgets – have all changes been documented/approved:  Co-financing – work up a summary of where you are against plan (speak to national representatives); What lessons have been learned during implementation? Identify examples of ‘adaptive management’; What has been the approach of the project towards gender issues? How has climate change been addressed?