International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Twinning

Twinning was aimed at assisting IW projects and commissions come up with ways to incorporate climate change consideration in strategic planning and implementation of transboundary water resources management Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Workshop (2-5 March 2009)

Participants & Projects Involved (IWL Share: 50% of first two targeted workshops, leveraged six more)

Participants include the following GEF IW projects and partners:

  • Okavango River basin
  • Lake Tanganyika (Regional, Burundi, DRC)
  • Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania)
  • Lake Tanganyika (Zambia)
  • Orange-Senque River basin
  • Pangani River basin
  • Botswana IWRM

Host Institution

  • UNDP Pretoria

Other Funding Partners

  • InWEnt

Learning Objectives

The workshop is aimed at assisting project managers and executive secretaries of regional commissions in order:
1) to come up with concrete ways to incorporate climate change considerations into the strategic planning of the transboundary water resources management (Strategic Action Programme and/or IWRM planning processes) and
2) to develop indicators that help measuring the adaptation benefits to be realized through the project implementation


  • Enhanced capacity amongst both project managers and executive secretaries of the invited basins to meaningfully prepare for and manage the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation considerations.
  • Experiences and best practices shared/exchanged re: climate change adaptation processes/practices
  • A clear and concise strategy to mainstream climate change into the strategic planning processes promoted by GEF projects, namely, TDA/SAP processes and IWRM planning processes
  • A set of indicators agreed that track the progress of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into strategic planning both at the project/basin level as well as at the portfolio/regional level.
  • Revised project logframe, which includes a set of indicators that measure the progress in adaptation capacity building targets, to be tabled at the next project steering committee meeting for approval. To enhance the understanding of and enable strategic planning for mainstreaming climate change adaptation.
  • A compendium of useful resource material
  • report submitted to the governments, UNDP and IW:LEARN documenting outputs and benefits of the technical cooperation
  • A joint presentation at the 5th Biennial GEF International Waters Conference as well as at the SADC River Basin Dialogue on the outcomes of this learning exchange.
  • An agreed plan for continuous learning and information exchange mechanisms among the participants to further advance their knowledge and experience in mainstreaming climate change adaptation into strategic planning of the transboundary water resources management.
Related content
FileWorkshop Proceedings in Mainstreaming Climate Change in International Water Projects
FileJerker Tamelander - Mainstreaming CC in IW Projects Presentation