International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Guinea Current (LME) - Results

GEF IDS: 393 , 3314 , 3558



Information sources
#393: UNDP Terminal Evaluation (1999), #3314: IWC6 Results Note (2011), #3314: GEF5 Tracking Tool (2012), #3314:UNEP Terminal Evaluation (2012)

Key Basin Project Results
1. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) developed and disseminated to all stakeholders
2. Strategic Action Programme (SAP) developed, adopted and National Action Programs (NAP) prepared and validated by 15 IGCC member states with costed Investment Projects.
3. Decision by Ministers of 16 IGCC member states to establish the Guinea Current Commission (#3314, Guinea Current)

Catalytic Impacts
The project has contributed to creation of a more enabling environment for management of the GCLME through its foundational activities linked to institutional strengthening and policy development and through its substantial investments in individual and organizational capacity building. Financing is addressed under Sustainability, above. The principal outcomes in terms of institutional change have been the creation of the IGCC and decision to create the GCC through a protocol to the Abidjan Convention. While this decision has strong catalytic potential, financial sustainability is a concern. The SAP includes a recommendation that the RACs or regional ‘centres of excellence’ that were recognised in the first year of the project should become central actors in the SAP implementation. In practice the RACs are operating as service providers in response to requests and funding from the RCU rather than as drivers or champions of change and their ongoing role needs further consideration. Institutional change at the national level has been limited since the IMCs are operating on an informal basis, but the GCLME does now have an identified institutional host in each of the countries. There is potential for reinforcement of national coordination structures in a future SAP implementation project. Potentially catalytic activities at the regional level in terms of policy include the amendment and drafting of protocols to the Abidjan Convention including adoption of the revised Emergency Protocol and regional emergency plan and anticipated adoption of the protocol on LBSA. A draft regional ballast water convention document has been prepared. There is little evidence of national policy changes in key sectors such as fisheries, pollution and habitat management, but the legal studies, SAP and NAP, NPAs on land-based sources, and sectoral plans such as the regional fisheries management plans and biodiversity plans do pave the way for future actions in this area. Guinea Bissau reported that it had acceded to two IMO Conventions as a result of the project. With regard to mainstreaming of results of pilot projects, plans developed by two of the pilot projects – the ICZM project in Cameroon and the MPAs project in Benin (including a draft decree) – were validated at technical level. However there is little real ownership of the results by the focal institutions and there are no current plans for further implementation in the absence of dedicated project funding. The project in Nigeria was instrumental in drawing attention to the importance of mangroves and stimulating increased efforts in mangrove management in the Federal Ministry of Environment, and the Nigeria representative reported a significant budget allocation in this area in May 2012. Terminal Evaluation Report – GCLME Page 34 The project has invested substantially in training of scientific and technical personnel as well as in strategic planning. This can be expected to bear dividends for a SAP implementation project. The guidelines and manuals such as those on fisheries and marine productivity developed by the project can be expected to generate increasing coherence in approaches to data collection and analysis. The project contracted a study on incentives (Paragraph 85) for catalyzing changes in stakeholder behaviour which, while not fully developed, does identify areas that could be further investigated in a SAP implementation project. A second study demonstrated the importance of GCLME to national economies in the region and established the rationale for continued investment in securing these benefits. The waste stock management demonstration project has drawn attention to the economic case for reuse and recycling of waste products. Finally the project itself has acted as a champion for closer cooperation amongst Africa LMEs, and in May 2011 convened a meeting leading to the establishment of the Caucus of Large Marine Ecosystem Institutions and Programmes in West, Central and Southern Africa. Four of the five national demonstration projects were designed to address issues of wider relevance to the host country and to other GCLME countries, while the fifth, related to treatment of wastes at the phosphates factory in Togo, set out to address a very specific but regionally important pollution issue. There have been and are ongoing efforts to disseminate the results and lessons of the demonstration projects. • The projects in Benin and Cameroon hosted regional dissemination workshops with participants from the other GCLME projects who were provided with frank feedback on the projects and had the opportunity to meet a cross-section of stakeholders involved in the project. The demonstration project coordinator has been invited to two other GCLME countries to share his experience with a wider group of national stakeholders as a result of the workshop. • A dissemination workshop is being considered for Côte d’Ivoire after the national validation workshop was completed. The question of shoreline change is now being tackled by a wide range of national and regional initiatives and there is potential for sharing the lessons from the Côte d’Ivoire project through related communities of practice. • The mangrove project in Nigeria is preparing a DVD on the lessons learned from the project, in view of the prevailing security situation in the project area that does not allow visits. In the meantime, as mentioned above (Paragraph 184), the project has generated a renewed interest in the country’s mangrove systems which are the most extensive in West Africa. • The results of all five demonstration projects were presented to the eighth PSC meeting and generated enthusiastic discussions. The regional demonstration projects were not explicitly designed to be replicable in that they were to provide services at the regional level. Given the size, language differences, and practicalities of sharing samples, in the region, however, it would seem sensible in some cases to replicate services though a network of collaborating centres. The rating on catalytic role and replication is satisfactory in view of the catalytic potential of the project, the replication efforts for the demonstration projects and the foundations that have been laid through the regional endorsement of the SAP and political commitments related to the GCLME. (#3314, Guinea Current)

Results data
Proportion of Countries that have adopted SAP
Year: N/A - Value: 1
The Strategic Action Program (SAP) was completed and endorsed by all 16 governments in 2008 (#3314, Guinea Current)
Proportion of countries that are implementing specific measures from the SAP (i.e. adopted national policies, laws, budgeted plans)
Year: N/A - Value: 0.9375
15/16 countries (#3314, Guinea Current)
Industrial wastewater pollution reduction
Year: N/A - Value: 12,000,000 kg plastic, 80,000,000 kg waste oil
The national demonstration project in Togo identified an appropriate solution to reduce water pollution with transboundary significance from an industrial point source. Low cost technologies to treat Phosphate and Cadmium rich effluents (up to 100,000 m³/day) from a phosphate factory in Kpémé were identified, tender documents and BOQs for the implementation were developed and a sludge management concept was elaborated. Under the national demonstration project for Benin technical assistance was provided for the participatory process to establish and develop management plans for 4 Marine Protected Areas with a total surface of 27,020. Critical lessons learned were disseminated though a participatory workshop. Ghana’s national demonstration project on the establishment of a waste stock exchange management system resulted in the recycling of 80.000 t/annum of waste oil and 12,000 t/annum of plastic. Thjis best practice to involve the private sector was disseminated eco-system wide for replication (#3314, Guinea Current)
Restored habitat, including wetlands
Year: N/A - Value: 1 ha
30,000 mangroove seedlings were planted to replace one hectre of Nypa palm for the demonstration project in Nigeria (#3314, Guinea Current)
Conserved/protected wetland, MPAs, and fish refugia habitat
Year: N/A - Value: 27208 ha
Four sites (totaling 27,208 Hectares) of marine protected areas with management plans under implementation (#3314, Guinea Current)
Reduced fishing pressure
Year: N/A - Value: -
Under the regional demonstration project on productivity the GCLME’s carrying capacity was assessed and under the regional demonstration project on fisheries the status of dominant demersal and pelagic fish stocks was assessed in close collaboration with FAO. The results were used to demonstrate the GCLME countries which impacts management interventions will have on the recovery of their fish stocks. In several training sessions capacity for the development of management plans was built and the development of Action Programs for the conservation and management of shared stocks was facilitated. (#3314, Guinea Current)
Alternative livelihoods introduced
Year: N/A - Value: 30
Two experts from the 16 countries located in the GCLME Region were trained as part of ICAM in lobster rearing and snail farming as alternate livihood methods for coastal communities. 30 garage owners were trained in proper motor oil disposal and recyling to save the environment and earn extra income. 20 students were trained for shrimp project. 10 Families were trained and continue to cultivate them (#3314, Guinea Current)
Invasive species reduction
Year: N/A - Value: 1 ha
In cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the identification of invasive species introduced through ballast water and the elaboration of recommendations for the necessary amendments of national laws and regulations with regards to biodiversity and introduced species was facilitated.

One ha of the invasive species Nypa Palm was reduced as part of the demo project in Nigeria . Alternate uses found for Nypa palm leading to the reduction of another ha of the species (#3314, Guinea Current)
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A - Value: YES
IMC were established in all countries and have validated key project outputs such as NAPS. There is no evidence of IMCs having been formalised in the context of the project (#3314, Guinea Current)
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Instrument: Abidjian Convention
"The project contributed to the development of i) A draft protocol on LBSA expected to be adopted in June 2012 and ii)proposed revisions to the Emergency protocol,under the Abidjan Convention. The countries agreed that the Guinea Current Commission should be established by a Protocol to the Abidjan Convention: a process that may take two years to complete

The Convention for the Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region (“Abidjan Convention”) was signed on 23 March 1981 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and went into effect on 5 August 1984. In addition, the Contracting Parties adopted the Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency in the Western and Central African Region (“Protocol”) and the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region (“Action Plan”). In 2008, the Contracting Parties agreed to amend the title of the Abidjan Convention and the Protocol to: “Convention for Cooperation in the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern Africa Region and Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency.”" (#3314, Guinea Current)

"AGREMENT ESTABLISHING A SUB REGIONAL FISHERIES COMMISION originally signed on 29 March 1985 and subsequently amended. Parties to agreement: Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of The Gambia, Republic of Guinea Bisau, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Senegal. Agreement established a Sub-Regional Fisheries Commision (SRFC) comprising Cape
Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bisau, Mauritania and Senegal." (#3558, West Africa Regional Fisheries Program)
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Body: Abidjian Convention Secretariat, Interim Guinea Current Commission (IGCC)
. With the establishment of the Interim Guinea Current Commission (IGCC) and the Ministerial decision to establish a permanent Guinea Current Commission (GCC) the institutional structure for the sustainable management of the GCLME’s living and non living natural resources has been established. A fully functional Regional Coordination Unit supports regional consultation and joint actions and serves as the Executive Secretary to the Interim Guinea Current Commission. A draft treaty for the establishment of the Guinea Current Commission has been prepared and intergovernmental consultations on the best institutional setBup for the establishment of the Guinea Current Commission are ongoing.

the countries agreed to creation of an Interim Guinea Current Commission, a role fulfilled during the life of the project by the RCU. As yet there are no voluntary contributions

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: 2006 - Value: YES
The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) was completed in 2006 and disseminated to all stakeholders

the TDA includes a baseline derived from a litereature review and reinforced by the State of the Enviroment Report. (#3314, Guinea Current)
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: 2008 - Value: YES
The development of National Action Programs (NAPs) was completed in early 2011. In addition the development of National Programmes of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from LandBbased Activities (NPABLBAs) was completed and validated in all 16 GCLME countries. At the National
level, 16 project coordination structures are in place and fully functional as well as 16 National InterBMinisterial Committees.

The SAP was endorsed by all environment Ministers

GEF IDS: 3314



Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results
This project has been under implementation since late 2009, and has achieved considerable progress in establishing collaborative management partnerships with a number of communities
1. Continued support to the four pilot communities co-managing the coastal fisheries in central Senegal, resulting in implementation of a number of measures such as closed seasons, reserved fishing zones and increased mesh sizes for fishing nets.
2. Expansion of these first four pilots, to establish legally-recognized partnerships between the Government and eight more coastal communities in central Senegal.
3. Launch of a new fund to support alternative livelihoods to fishing in the above communities.

Results data
Conserved/protected wetland, MPAs, and fish refugia habitat
Year: N/A - Value: [see desc]
INDICATOR 1. Protected fisheries zones (ZPPs) are created and legally established
The two zones have been identified and the process of creation and legal establishment is currently underway
INDICATOR 2. At least 2 artificial reefs are expanded/submerged and co-managed with the local communities by EOP
The two reefs have been identified and the process of submersion is expected shortly.
National/Local reforms
Year: N/A - Value: IWA
INDICATOR 3. 8 new co-management sub-project proposals are approved as legal agreements with the Government and successfully implemented by the end of the project.
8 sub-project proposals have been prepared by the communities (i.e. the CLPs), and are currently under review by the Government.

INDICATOR 1. 8 new Local Fishers’ Committees (CLPs) legally established in the central coastal region, within the first 18 months of implementation
Completed, in each of the 8 new sites in the central coastal region of Senegal, communities have organized legally recognized associations of fishers, that could formally manage the fisheries

INDICATOR 2. 4 consolidated local fisheries management plans are approved by the relevant Local Artisanal Fishers’ Councils (CLPAs) within 24 months of project implementation, and implemented by the end of the project.
Target is not yet due, the CLPAs are in the process of preparing the plans.

GEF IDS: 4528



Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results

Results data

GEF IDS: 4280


Guinea Bissau

Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results

Results data