Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden - Results
Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)
Key Basin Project Results
1. Additional international conventions accessed and/or ratified by PERSGA member countries: Number of additional conventions to which Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) member countries accessed and/or ratified range from 1 for Egypt, 2 for Yemen and Djibouti, 5 for Sudan, to 11 for Jordan and 7 for Saudi Arabia. This is 36 accessions (from 94 to 132), or a 34% increase across the region.
2. The number of inspections: In Jordan, 299 ships were inspected and 17 placed in detention in 2004, while in 1999, only 52 were inspected. Currently 37% of ships calling at Egyptian ports are inspected, and 15% of ships calling at Sudanese and Yemeni ports are inspected.
3. Additional protocols to the 1992 Jeddah Convention: PERSGA member countries have developed two additional protocols to the 1992 Jeddah Convention. These two protocols relate to (i) land based pollution control and (ii) marine protected areas and biological diversity.
Results data |
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: 1992 -
Value: YES
Instrument: 1992 Jeddah Convention, ICZM + MPA + MARPOL emphasis; port state controls-1982 Conv. GEF Project: "1. Additional international conventions accessed and/or ratified by PERSGA member countries: Number of additional conventions to which Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) member countries accessed and/or ratified range from 1 for Egypt, 2 for Yemen and Djibouti, 5 for Sudan, to 11 for Jordan and 7 for Saudi Arabia. This is 36 accessions (from 94 to 132), or a 34% increase across the region. 3. Additional protocols to the 1992 Jeddah Convention: PERSGA member countries have developed two additional protocols to the 1992 Jeddah Convention. These two protocols relate to (i) land based pollution control and (ii) marine protected areas and biological diversity. " (#340, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden) |
Regional Management Institutions
Year: 1995 -
Value: YES
Body: Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)GEF Project: "PERSGA has increased awareness of the importance of maritime conventions. PERSGA member countries have developed two additional protocols to the 1992 Jeddah Convention. These two protocols relate to (i) land based pollution control and (ii) marine protected areas and biological diversity. The region’s ports and shipping have become safer, due to emphasis on Port State Control (PSC) actions – for example, in Jordan, 299 ships were inspected and 17 placed in detention in 2004 while in 1999, only 52 were inspected. Additionally, 37% of ships calling at Egyptian ports are inspected and 15% of ships calling at Sudanese and Yemeni ports are inspected. INDICATOR #5: Geographic Information Systems PERSGA established a regional GIS database at its headquarters, however, the system is not fully complete due to the limitations including the fact that internet access is needed to use the system, and also due to concerns about potentially nationally sensitive data. INDICATOR #1: Implement PSC in PERSGA Member states and conduct a regional PSC seminar The Project has increased awareness of the importance of maritime conventions, as evidenced by the subsequent ratification of another 32 International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions, a 34% increase (94 to 132) across the Region" (#340, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden) |
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A -
Value: TBD
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: 1998 -
Value: YES
1998, SAP with narrative measures