International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project-under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea - Results

GEF IDS: 1159 , 1889 , 2970



Information sources
#1159; IWC6 Results Note (2011), #1159: World Bank Terminal Evaluation (2007), #1889: GEF3 IW Tracking Tool (2010), #2970: GEF3 IW Tracking Tool (2010), #2970: GEF4 IW Tracking Tool (2010), #2970: IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results
"1- The percentage of households with livestock in the project area using village manure storage, household bunkers and segregating waste materials reached 54.4% compared to the baseline of 0%, and end-of-project target value of 45%.
2- Over the course of the project the area under environmentally friendly practices increased from 0% to 33.9% exceeding the target value of 30%.
3- Estimations based on land under environment friendly agricultural practices indicated a decrease in nutrient discharge into surface and ground waters of about 15 % for N and 27% for P in 2006. These values exceed the target value of 10% for 2006." (#1159, Romania APCP)

"1. 69 applications for investments in improved systems at commune level for manure collection, storage, and better management of animal and household waste at Commune level -14 investments under construction, 18 under the process of civil works contracting and 40 prepared for submission for Government approval.
2. Water quality monitoring, analysis and reporting capacity of National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) and its subordinated units at river basin level strengthened. 56 equipments for data processing and storage, 10 auto laboratories, various field and laboratory equipment, training of specialists for use of new equipment and testing methods, provided by the Project. The construction of ANAR’s Training Centre is ongoing.
3. Population in the Project area informed about water pollution with nutrients and recommended remedial measures through events, more than 2,000 informative materials (brochures, flyers and leaflets, guide of good practices) produced and distributed, over 200 media appearances, website etc." (#2970, Romania Nutrients)

Results data
Municipal wastewater pollution reduction
Year: N/A - Value: [see desc]
Indicator #1: Percentage of households with livestock adopting improved waste management practices. Target: 45%.
Investments, consisting in commune level manure storage and management facilities and household level manure storages are currently under construction in 9 communes selected as Training and Demonstration Sites (TDS), representing 13% of the localities included in the Project. Sets of equipment for manure management at commune level were provided to 11 TDS and the procurement of a second tranche of 18 sets is ongoing. (#2970, Romania Nutrients)
Agriculture pollution reduction practices
Year: N/A - Value: 15 % for N and 27% for P in 2006
Indicator 1: Percentage of households with livestock in project area adopting improved manure handling facilities. As proved by the social survey carried out in early 2007, the percentage of households with livestock in the project area using village manure storage, household bunkers and segregating waste materials reached 54.4% compared to the baseline of 0%, and end-of-project target value of 45%.
Indicator 2: Percentage cropped area coming under nutrient management systems including crop rotation, crop nutrient management with soil testing, and use of organic manure. The same survey found that the percentage of area under nutrient management systems including crop rotation, crop nutrient management with soil testing, and use of organic manures was 34%, compared to the baseline of 1%, and the end-of-project target value of 30%.
Indicator 3: Percentage of cropped area employing environment-friendly practices. Over the course of the project the area under environmentally friendly practices increased from 0% to 33.9% exceeding the target value of 30%.
Indicator 4: Trends in water quality indicators at designated sites. The water monitoring program found a decreasing trend in N and P in the water bodies of the project region that drain into the Danube River. In other words the trend in water quality was found to be positive. Estimations based on land under environment friendly agricultural practices indicated a decrease in nutrient discharge into surface and ground waters of about 15 % for N and 27% for P in 2006. These values exceed the target value of 10% for 2006. (#1159, Romania APCP)

Indicator #2: Promotion of the Code of Good Agricultural Practices - Nutrient reduction measures under the Code of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) widely applied by farmers in the targeted communes (Target 30%). 11 training sessions for 333 farmers were provide to farmers in the 11 TDS communes. The Code of Good Agricultural Practices for the protection of waters against nitrate pollution and the Code of Good Agricultural Practices in Farms, prepared within the GEF financed Project “Agricultural Pollution Control”, implemented in the period April 2002 – June 2007, were wide disseminated among farmers in the Project area. About 600 copies were distributed to farmers and local administration during the Training sessions regarding the use of good agricultural practices. The adoption rate will be evaluated through a survey planned for end 2011. (#2970, Romania Nutrients)
Restored habitat, including wetlands
Year: N/A - Value: 44 ha
Indicator #3: Improved protection of water bodies in targeted communes. Percentage of targeted communes with tree planting plans implemented. (Target: 75%). An area of about 600 ha suitable for tree planting was identified in 27 communes in the Project area and tree planting plans were prepared. To date, 44 ha (7,13%) of the identified land were planted with forestry vegetation in a number of 6 communes (22%), and the tree planting will continue in the autumn and spring seasons. (#2970, Romania Nutrients)
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Indicator #1: Functional National Inter-Ministry Committees (IMCs) - The existing Inter-Ministerial Committee for Application of the Action Program for Water Protection against Pollution with Nitrates from Agricultural sources, that is also acting as the Project Steering Committee is fully functional and met on regular basis. Action Programs for water and soil quality protection in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones including the evaluated implementation costs and responsibilities were prepared and provided to each of the 86 communes included in the Project. (#2970, Romania Nutrients)
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A - Value: NAP
Indicator #2: Improved inter-governmental coordination and capacity to assess, monitor and report on progress with implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive. Romania prepared, on voluntary bases, the first report to the European Commission on implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, for the period 2004 – 2007.
National/Local reforms
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Government has retified Nitrate Directive and is implementing it through:
2. Code of good agricultural practices (#2970, Romania Nutrients)