International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika - Results

GEF IDS: 1017



Information sources
GEF3 IW Tracking Tool (2010), IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results
1. The Lake Tanganyika Authority was established and is functioning successfully with support from the UNDP/GEF Project.
2. The UNDP/GEF project has established sustainable catchment management demonstration sites in three priorityregions in the Lake Tanganyika basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo three sub-catchments were identified for rehabilitation and 79,899 seedlings have been planted thus far, covering an area of 32 hectares. In Tanzania over 160,000 seedlings were planted, covering an area of 98.5 hectares. In Zambia: 22.5 hectares were planted in community woodlots and an additional 22 hectares on individual woodlots.
3. The project made substantial progress in increasing the number of households that benefit from environmentally friendly alternative income generation activities. In Tanzania 144 Alternative Income Generating Groups were activated,and training was provided on beekeeping and processing of bee-products. In Zambia: 837 households are involved in alternative income generation activities, including beekeeping, vegetable gardening and aquaculture using endemic fish species, with significant increases in average incomes

Results data
Catchment protection measures
Year: N/A - Value: 175 ha
INDICATOR#5 (Pilot/demo projects demonstrate stress reduction measures on priority concerns): Increasing numbers of households in selected catchment areas in DRC (280 farmers participating since September 2010, percentage of total number of households needs to be confirmed), Tanzania (from 0-18% since 2009), and Zambia (from 2-46% since 2009) practicing sustainable forestry management and land use, as well as engaging in alternative Income generating activities to reduce environmental stress.

The UNDP/GEF project has established sustainable catchment management demonstration sites in three priorityregions in the Lake Tanganyika basin. In the Democratic Republic of Congo three sub-catchments were identified for rehabilitation and 79,899 seedlings have been planted thus far, covering an area of 32 hectares. In Tanzania over 160,000 seedlings were planted, covering an area of 98.5 hectares. In Zambia: 22.5 hectares were planted in community woodlots and an additional 22 hectares on individual woodlots.
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A - Value: YES
INDICATOR#1 (Effective national inter-ministry coordination): The Lake Tanganyika Authority (LTA) Management Committee (which includes senior members of relevant Ministries in each of the four riparian countries) is fully operational, and a regional meeting is organized at least once every year.
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: 2008 - Value: YES
Instrument: Convention on the Sustainable Management of Lake Tanganyika
GEF Project:
INDICATOR#3 (Adoption of national and regional legal,policy and institutional reforms that address priority transboundary concerns): The governments of the four riparian countries ratified the Lake Tanganyika Convention in 2008, and the process to develop protocols has been initiated.

INDICATOR#6 (Regional monitoring and management systems contribute to long-term sustainable management): National and international partners have been identified for Regional Integrated Environmental Monitoring Programme, and support provided for water quality monitoring through partnership with UNEP/Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology (NIGLAS).
Regional Management Institutions
Year: 2008 - Value: YES
Body: Lake Tanganyika Authority
GEF Project:
INDICATOR#4 (Newly established transboundary waters institution): Directors of the LTA Secretariat installed in Burundi headquarters office and functioning with support from the four riparian countries and the UNDP/GEF Regional Project Coordination Unit.

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: 2000 - Value: YES
INDICATOR#2 (Stakeholder involvement in SAP implementation): Steering Committee and Ministers are involved in Conference of Ministers, local farmers in DRC, Tanzania and Zambia are actively involved in the development and endorsement of land use plans for project demonstration sites; stakeholders in Burundi and Tanzania are actively involved in awareness raising and capacity building relevant to pollution control.