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08 Dec 2020 - report - English Conjunctive Water Management: A powerful contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
In the framework of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), and the GEF IW-Learn 4 project a number of meetings attended by water sector professionals were organized in order to explore and discuss Conjunctive Water Management. This document intends to be an introduction to Conjunctive Water Management, with the general purpose to make the reader familiar with the concept and the specific purpose to provide guidance to water resources policy makers and planners. It starts off...
18 Oct 2020 - report - English IWC9: Groundwater Clinic Report: “How to make visible the invisible? Tools to raise the profile of groundwater from local to global”
The objective of the session was to answer to the needs and gaps identified by participants in terms of groundwater governance. Two rounds of 40 min starting with a 10 min presentation of Ms Alice Aureli, Chief of Section ‘Groundwater Systems and Settlements’, UNESCO IHP, took place. More than 20 participants attended each round, with full positive answer to the question “Has the clinic session helped increase your understanding of the pre-identified challenges and your subsequent capacity to...
29 Aug 2020 - report - project: 4940 - English [WIOSAP] Mangrove Restoration and Livelihood Support Through Community Participation in Mozambique Technical Report
The Nairobi Convention Secretariat (NCS) undertook a pre-project visit from 15 to 16 January 2020 to meet with project proponents, partners, and communities to gain first-hand information about the problem that the project intends to address, mechanisms and approaches to be used, how the identified issues are associated with the livelihoods of beneficiaries, and what benefits the project will bring them. The NCS conducted a “due diligence” to ensure proponents have and will consider community...
06 Jun 2019 - report - Russian Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends (Russian)
The Groundwater Component of the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) deals with Transboundary Aquifers (TBAs) and with Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It was executed by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and represents the first structured baseline assessment of the state of 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 SIDS groundwater systems as a basis for periodic assessments and to develop scenarios of possible future developments [Publi...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - English [TWAP] VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends
This document – Volume 1 – presents the first comprehensive indicator-based global assessment of status and trends in 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 groundwater systems of Small Island Developing States. It was prepared by UNESCO-IHP and UNESCO International Groundwater Assessment Center (IGRAC) in partnership with the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Frankfurt Goethe University (Germany). Published in 2016.
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - English [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends (English)
This document – Volume 1 – presents the first comprehensive indicator-based global assessment of status and trends in 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 groundwater systems of Small Island Developing States. It was prepared by UNESCO-IHP and UNESCO International Groundwater Assessment Center (IGRAC) in partnership with the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Frankfurt Goethe University (Germany). Published in 2016.
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Russian [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends (Russian)
This document – Volume 1 – presents the first comprehensive indicator-based global assessment of status and trends in 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 groundwater systems of Small Island Developing States. It was prepared by UNESCO-IHP and UNESCO International Groundwater Assessment Center (IGRAC) in partnership with the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Frankfurt Goethe University (Germany). Published in 2016.
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Chinese [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends (Chinese)
This document – Volume 1 – presents the first comprehensive indicator-based global assessment of status and trends in 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 groundwater systems of Small Island Developing States. It was prepared by UNESCO-IHP and UNESCO International Groundwater Assessment Center (IGRAC) in partnership with the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Frankfurt Goethe University (Germany). Published in 2016.
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Arabic [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 1: Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States-Status and Trends (Arabic)
This document – Volume 1 – presents the first comprehensive indicator-based global assessment of status and trends in 199 transboundary aquifers and 42 groundwater systems of Small Island Developing States. It was prepared by UNESCO-IHP and UNESCO International Groundwater Assessment Center (IGRAC) in partnership with the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Frankfurt Goethe University (Germany). Published in 2016.
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - French [TWAP] Aquifères transfrontières et Systèmes aquifères des Petits États insulaires en développement - État et tendances - RÉSUMÉ À L’INTENTION DES DÉCIDEURS
La composante « Eaux souterraines » du Programme d’évaluation des eaux transfrontalières TWAP traite des aquifères transfrontières et des systèmes aquifères des Petits États insulaires en développement (PEID). Elle a été mise en oeuvre par le Programme hydrologique international (PHI) de l’UNESCO et représente la première évaluation de référence structurée de l’état de 199 aquifères transfrontières et de 42 systèmes aquifères de PEID, constituant une base pour des évaluations périodiques et p...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Spanish [TWAP] Acuíferos transfronterizos y Sistemas acuíferos de los Pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo - Situación y tendencias - RESUMEN PARA LOS ENCARGADOS DE FORMULAR POLÍTICAS
El componente ”Aguas subterráneas” del Programa de Evaluación de las Aguas Transfronterizas (TWAP, por su sigla en inglés) se ocupa de los acuíferos transfronterizos y los sistemas acuíferos de los Pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo (PEID). Este componente fue ejecutado por el Programa Hidrológico Internacional (PHI) de la UNESCO y representa la primera evaluación de referencia estructurada del estado de 199 acuíferos transfronterizos y sistemas acuíferos de 42 PEID, que constituye la b...
23 May 2019 - report - project: 2746 - English [Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Danube River Enterprise Pollution Reduction Project (DREPR)
The objective of this project is to reduce nutrient loads discharged into the Danube River and its tributaries from livestock farms (i.e.,pig and cattle farms) as well as slaughter houses.
02 Feb 2023 - report - project: 10740 - English Inception report




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