Regional Training on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) for Latin America and the Caribbean

The training is co-organized by IW:LEARN, MSPglobal and PROCARIBE+ teams within the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) and its Sub Commission IOCARIBE, in collaboration with other two GEF-funded Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) projects in the region (Sustainable Pacific, and BE-CLME+), and regional partners:
- Ministry of Environment of Panama (Host Country)
- United Nations Office for Project Services - UNOPS
- Caribbean Environment Programme - UNEP-CEP
- Permanent Commission for the South Pacific - CPPS
- Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States - OECS
- Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism - CRFM
- Caribbean Biodiversity Fund - CBF
- World Wide Fund for Nature – WWF
The training will combine MSP concepts using the MSP Challenge Game by UNESCO-IOC/MSPglobal and selected exercises from Blue Planning in Practice with the support of IW:LEARN partners, GRID Arendal.
All participants of the training are invited to complete the MSPglobal online training course on the Ocean Teacher Global Academy (OTGA) before the in-person training. The estimated time to complete the self-paced course is approximately 20 hours. Available in both English and Spanish.
Participation is by invitation only.
For more information, please contact: