2nd Annual Latin-America and the Caribbean (LAC) Regional Network Meeting, Panama
A key element of this improved governance is mainstreaming cooperation and coordination between LME, MPA, MSP and ICM projects with overlapping themes and geographic areas. The objectives of the first Annual LAC Regional Network Meeting (October, 2017) were to provide a forum for GEF funded projects, non-funded GEF projects, agencies, academia and institutes to network with one another; to enhance their understanding of activities in the region; and to identify partnership building opportunities by engaging projects actively involved in key thematic areas (marine, coastal management, biodiversity and coastal climate change).
The second Annual LAC Regional Network meeting is organised by GEF LME:LEARN and the IOC-UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE).
The primary objectives of the second meeting are to:
- Evaluate the status of the network;
- Evaluate the twinning and Inter-project Collaboration Opportunities offered by GEF LME:LEARN and discuss how these have progressed with identified partners;
- Foster an environment for regional private sector engagement;
- Engage members in science-management discussions and how best practice could be replicated in the region
Targeted outcomes of the meeting include:
- Recommendations to the GEF LME:LEARN project for enhancing support to the network;
- Establishment of a foundation for private sector engagement at a regional level;
- Suggestions for replicating best practice in science-management;
- Action plan for sustaining the network;
The GEF LME:LEARN dedicated face-to-face training will follow after this meeting focussing on Ocean Governance, Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning and Sustainable Blue Economy, and Economic Valuation (3-5 October 2018). For each of these courses there are specific selection criteria which need to be taken into consideration. More information and the criteria can be found in the links provided.