The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (
Documents |
Filter: water cooperation |
05 Jul 2021
- experience-notes
- project: 6962
- English
Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia in Transboundary Water Resources Management The surface and ground waters in the Kura river basin are the principal source of water for all sectors and users in both Azerbaijan and Georgia, including: industry, agriculture, hydropower, and municipal water uses. Potential over-extraction of ... |
27 Oct 2020
- manual
- English
TDA/SAP Manual (2020 Edition) The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/Strategic Action Programme (TDA/SAP) approach is a highly collaborative process that has proven to be a major strategic planning tool for GEF International Waters Projects over the last 20 years... |
26 Mar 2020
- publication
- English
Gender & SDG 6: the Critical Connection Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Goal 6) to “ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all” requires explicit attention to gender equality and social inclusion. Universal access to safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and appro... |
26 Mar 2020
- publication
- English
The Rising Tide: a New Look at Water and Gender The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender reviews a vast body of literature and offers a framework for visualizing water as an asset, a service, and a space. It shows how water is an arena where gender relations play out in ways that often m... |
26 Mar 2020
- publication
- English
Gender Equality and Inclusion in Water Resources Management Water is crucial to development in any sector. It is now more important than ever to break the silos and adopt an integrated, all-of-society approach that ensures that the needs of women and marginalised groups are addressed in the implementation ... |
25 Mar 2020
- publication
- English
Women as Agents of Change in Water The challenge has been to focus attention on action-oriented activities and policies that ensure the long-term sustainable management of water resources, in terms of both quantity and quality, and include measures to improve sanitation, while work... |
19 Nov 2019
- results-notes
- English
[IWC8] Poster: Blue Forests The Blue Forests Project promotes better coastal ecosystem management by harnessing the values associated with coastal and marine carbon and ecosystem services. |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: IWRM Demo Project in Maldives The Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS - Integrated Water Resources and Wastewater Management (IWRM AIO SIDS) project is designed to strengthen the commitment and capacity of the six participating countries to implement an integrated approach to the m... |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: IWRM Demo Project in Comoros The Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS - Integrated Water Resources and Wastewater Management (IWRM AIO SIDS) project is designed to strengthen the commitment and capacity of the six participating countries to implement an integrated approach to the m... |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: IWRM Demo Project in Cabo Verde The Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS - Integrated Water Resources and Wastewater Management (IWRM AIO SIDS) project is designed to strengthen the commitment and capacity of the six participating countries to implement an integrated approach to the m... |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: Building Resilience for Coastal Communities in the Coral Triangle: Climate-Smart Rice Improves Food Security in the Philippines The “Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle: Southeast Asia” project aims to promote the long-term conservation and sustainable management of coastal and marine resources in the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (... |
18 Nov 2019
- results-notes
- English
[IWC8] Poster: Implementing IWRM in Atlantic and Indian Ocean Small Islands The IWRM AIO SIDS project is designed to strengthen the commitment and capacity of the six participating countries to implement an integrated approach to the management of freshwater resources, with a long-term goal of enhancing their capacity to ... |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: Alexandria Coastal Zone Management Project The ACZMP (2010-2015) is financed by the GEF grant of US$7.15 million managed through the World Bank. The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) is the agency responsible for overall implementation. |
18 Nov 2019
- English
[IWC8] Poster: ABNJ Common Oceans Tuna Project The "Sustainable management of tuna fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ)" project focuses on one of the ABNJ’s most valuable resources: tuna stocks — a key food source in need of effective manage... |
25 Oct 2019
- presentation
- English
[LME16] Presentations - Session 2 - Knowledge and best governance practices: Tools, data and information The primary objective of the 2014 (LME16) meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalizing its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal project leaders in meeting those objectives. |
25 Oct 2019
- presentation
- English
[LME16] Presentations - Session 3 - Global and regional networks The primary objective of the 2014 (LME16) meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalizing its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal project leaders in meeting those objectives. |
25 Oct 2019
- presentation
- English
[LME16] Presentations - Session 4 - Capacity development The primary objective of the 2014 (LME16) meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalizing its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal project leaders in meeting those objectives. |
25 Oct 2019
- presentation
- English
[LME16] Presentations - Session 5 - Communication, dissemination and outreach The primary objective of the 2014 (LME16) meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalizing its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal project leaders in meeting those objectives. |
22 Oct 2019
- English
[LME16] Agenda The primary objective of the 2014 (LME16) meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalizing its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal project leaders in meeting those objectives. |
22 Oct 2019
- English
[LME16] Summary Report The LME16 meeting took place on 08-11 Jul 2014 in Paris. The primary objective of the 2014 meeting was to set the framework for the COP Project partnership, operationalising its objectives and expected outcomes and engaging marine and coastal proj... |