2011 Results Notes - Second Shandong EnvironmentGood Practices and Portfolio Learning in GEF Transboundary Freshwater and Marine Legal and Institutional Frameworks
1. Experiences with international freshwater, international groundwater and international marine (LMEs) good governance identified, analyzed and shared with an ever widening range of IW stakeholders and practitioners. Key criteria for good governance that transcend marine, fresh and ground water bodies have been identified and analyzed. 2. Experiential learning and training tools in the realm of IW governance (including data and information sharing and exchange; benefit sharing; dispute resolution; institutional architecture; finance and adaptability including climate change) developed collaboratively with a wide range of IW practitioners in Asia, Africa and the Americas, including over 60 GEF project personnel and academics, of which over 20% were women. 3. Implementation and delivery of experiential learning and training tools (including a Reference Manual and a Teachers Manual, which in turn include case studies and role play simulations) in the realm of IW governance made sustainable through the establishment of various âSouth Southâ peer to peer learning and exchange groups and more than 10 academic centers of excellence, in Asia, Africa and the Americas.