Appraisal of the Safety of Maga Dam, Cameroon (March 2002)
The Maga dam was constructed in 1979 as part of the second SEMRY project, the object of which was to expand and improve the cultivation of rice. The scheme that was constructed comprised a 7,000 ha rice plantation irrigated with water supplied by the Maga reservoir, which, with its associated flood protection dikes, also served to protect the plantation against annual floods from the Logone river. During the field work that was undertaken as part of environmental and social components of this pilot project the apparent hazard posed by the Maga dam was noted1, and as a result the World Bank commissioned Mr L J S Attewill of Jacobs GIBB Ltd to prepare this appraisal of the safety of Maga dam.
767: Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem
Appraisal of the Safety of Maga Dam, Cameroon (March 2002).pdf